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Human, Physical, and Intellectual Resource Generation: Proposals for Monitoring

This document discusses the issues surrounding human resources for health and how they impact health system performance.

Regional Consultation on the Accreditation of Health Professions Education in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean held a regional consultation on the accreditation of health professions education. The objectives of the meeting were to enable countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region to exchange experience in establishing national systems of accreditation, identifying strengths and constraints, and to formulate region- and country-specific plans of action for establishing accreditation of health professions education. [from author]

Database of Medical Schools 2005

This database contains listings for medical schools all over the world. Users can search by region or by country to access details about the schools available.

Networking Collaboratively: the Brazilian Observatorio on Human Resources for Health

This case study looks at the contribution of the Observatório and its members to the development of the public health sector in Brazil. [from introduction]

Non-Physician Clinicians in Sub-Saharan Africa

This article builds on a recent publication on the capacity of the existing health workforce in Africa to expand through increasing production of its non-physician clinicians and by suggesting that there are four further issues to be urgently addressed if NPCs are to realize their full potential. [adapted from author]

Andhra Pradesh, India: Improving Health Services through Community Score Cards

The community score card process is a community-based monitoring tool that is a hybrid of the techniques of social audits and citizen report cards.The CSC is an instrument to exact social and public accountability and responsiveness from service providers. By linking service providers to the community, citizens are empowered to provide immediate feedback to service providers. [from author]

Guidelines and Mindlines: Why Do Clinical Staff Over-Diagnose Malaria in Tanzania? A Qualitative Study

Malaria over-diagnosis in Africa is widespread and costly both financially and in terms of morbidity and mortality from missed diagnoses. An understanding of the reasons behind malaria over-diagnosis is urgently needed to inform strategies for better targeting of antimalarials. [from abstract]

Malaria Treatment in the Retail Sector: Knowledge and Practices of Drug Sellers in Rural Tanzania

Throughout Africa, the private retail sector has been recognised as an important source of antimalarial treatment, complementing formal health services. However, the quality of advice and treatment at private outlets is a widespread concern, especially with the introduction of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs). This research aimed at assessing the performance of the retail sector in rural Tanzania. Such information is urgently required to improve and broaden delivery channels for life-saving drugs. [from abstract]

Training and Retaining More Rural Doctors for South Africa

The so-called brain drain is a complex phenomenon with a web of push-pull factors determining final outcomes. There are no quick fixes. Yet, those on the front lines addressing the critical personnel shortages in South Africa’s public health system - especially in rural areas - have pointed to approaches that could slow the exodus and eventually turn the situation around. [from author]

Faith-Based Models for Improving Maternal and Newborn Health

This document explores some FBO health networks and facility-based services in Uganda and Tanzania. A pilot project in the Kasese District of Uganda illustrates how protestant, catholic and muslim health care providers and communities can work together from household-to-hospital levels to improve health outcomes. [from author]

Integrating HIV Prevention in the Care Setting: Health Manager's Guide

This guide outlines a step-by-step method for healthcare supervisors and managers who would like to put together a prevention team and program; gives healthcare workers the tools and knowledge to take advantage of HIV prevention oppotunities in healthcare settings; and provices sample training, communication materials, and strategies to support prevention plans. [from author]

Global Standards for the Initial Education of Professional Nurses and Midwives

Initial nursing or midwifery education prepares professionals for the workforce thus there is a need for programmes to be of a high quality. The development of global standards for initial nursing and midwifery education identifies the essential, critical components of education. [from author]

Replicating Success: Developing a Standard FETP Curriculum

Field epidemiology training programs have been successful models to address a country’s needs for a skilled public health workforce, partly due to their responsiveness to the countries’ unique needs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has partnered with ministries of health to strengthen their workforce through customized competency-based training programs. The standard curriculum has supported the development and expansion of programs while still allowing for adaptation.

Scaling Up, Saving Lives

This report calls for a rapid and significant scaling up of the education and training of health workers as part of a broader effort to strengthen health systems. It highlights the importance of training to meet a country’s own health needs and the great opportunity represented by the increased use of community- and mid-level workers. [from foreword]

There are also case studies from Ghana, Malawi, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Bangladesh on strategic implementation of health worker training plans.

Guidelines: Incentives for Health Professionals

This paper was commissioned by the health professions with the support of the Global Health Workforce Alliance to provide an overview of the use of incentives for health care professionals. It describes some of the different approaches taken and presents characteristics shared by effective incentive schemes. The paper also suggests some approaches to their development and implementation. [from introduction]

I Can Make a Difference in One's Family Life: Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Ethiopia

This brief discusses the Capacity Project’s work to train health workers to help prevent mother to child transmission of HIV.

Working from the Inside: Mainstreaming HIV into Government Planning in Kenya

This brief describes the successful process of working within the government to achieve results in HIV planning. [adapted from author]

Role of Networking in Managing Migration of Human Resources for Health in the Philippines

This paper aims to present the existing HRH problems exemplified by migration in the light of other related issues such as the nurse medic phenomenon, foreign doctors taking up residency training, quality of nursing education, paradoxical enrollment trends in nursing and medicine and the effects of migration on health service delivery.

Environmental Scan of Pharmacy Technicians: Roles and Responsibilities, Education and Accreditation and Certification

This environmental scan of pharmacy technicians is intended to develop an accurate summary of knowledge, issues and activities relating to the roles and responsibilities, curriculum and accreditation, and certification of pharmacy technicians in Canada, from a national, provincial, territorial and international perspective. [from summary]

Comprehensive Review of the Pharmacy Workforce

This is a comprehensive review of the Pharmacy Workforce in Northern Ireland undertaken between February and April 2001. It outlines themethodology and discusses the results obtained with regard to the areas of recruitment and retention, demand and models of deployment. [adapted from author]

Study of Demand and Supply of Pharmacists, 2000-2010

This study aims to project the supply and demand for pharmacists between 2000 and 2010. On the supply side, these include the latest information on student intake and projected graduations. On the demand side, they include a consideration of the impact of the Third Community Pharmacy Agreement, the increasing focus on safety and quality of medicines use across the continuum of care and a host of clinical governance and Commonwealth and State/Territory government policies which impact on the demand for pharmacists. [from summary]

Career Intentions of Pharmacy Students

In light of pharmacy workforce shortages in Great Britain, the profession’s regulatory body commissioned a programme of longitudinal work to explore pharmacy career decision-making in relation to influences on career choice and intended career paths. Our objective was to gather data on career intentions that could be used to produce robust predictions about pharmacist supply. [from abstract]

Scaling Up Health Workforce Production: a Concept Paper Towards Implementation of World Health Assembly Resolution WHA59.23

This note discusses challenges and options in scaling up the production of skilled health workers and strengthening the health professions educational capacity of the countries in crisis, particularly in Africa. [from introduction]

Monitoring the Health Workforce: Measurement Issues and Selected Tools

Drawing upon a combination of complementary data sources, both new and existing, can result in useful and rich information for measuring and monitoring health workforce stock and flows, and the impact on health and health systems. [from author]

Gender and Health Workforce Statistics

Gender analysis of the health workforce may reveal that health systems themselves can reflect or even exacerbate many of the social inequalities they are meant to address and be immune from.

Monitoring Education and Training for Health Workers

Measuring and monitoring the whole education and training pipeline is essential to the planning, management and quality control of the health workforce in a country. This requires timely and reliable data on each of its phases. [from author]

Provision of Injectable Contraception Services through Community-Based Distribution: Implementation Handbook

Produced in collaboration with Save the Children USA, this step-by-step guide explains how to introduce injectable contraceptives

Republic of Trinidad and Tobago: Caribbean Region HIV and AIDS Service Provision Assessment Survey 2006

Focusing on the formal public health sector in Tobago, the HSPA findings provide information on both basic and advanced-level HIV and AIDS services and the availability of record-keeping systems for monitoring HIV and AIDS care and support. Within the Caribbean region, there is a concern for the recent training of health professionals who provide HIV and AIDS services, for health worker attitudes towards people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) and for patient movement within the region.

Health Systems Database

This easy-to-use web-based tool compiles and analyzes country data from multiple sources, provides charting options, and generates automated country fact sheets, helping users to assess the performance of the country’s health systems.

Village-Based Midwife Programme in Indonesia

The government of Indonesia launched the village-based midwife program to place a skilled birth attendant in every village to provide antenatal and perinatal care, family planning, other reproductive health services, and nutrition counseling. The attendants were also to facilitate basic primary health-care services, including immunization and nutrition interventions.