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Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at Community Level: a Profile of the Philippines

This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in the Philippines; their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice. [from summary]

Review of Health Leadership and Management Capacity in Lao People's Democratic Republic

This review describes the current state of health leadership and management capacity and issues that affect management performance at the district level in Lao People’s Democratic Republic. [from summary]

Review of Health Leadership and Management Capacity in Solomon Islands

This report describes the current health management and leadership capacity and issues that affect management performance in the Solomon Islands. [from author]

National Policy on the Management of Public Hospitals

The aims of this policy include: ensuring the appointment of competent and skilled hospital managers; providing for the development of management accountability frameworks; and ensuring the training of managers in leadership, management and governance. [adapated from author]

HR Strategy for the Health Sector: 2012/13-2016/17

This HRH Strategy provides a distillation of the ideas arising from a review of HRH in South Africa themes based on evidence, followed by recommended strategic priorities and interventions, and forecast modeling of the future requirement of the health professions. [adapted from summary]

Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at a Community Level: a Profile of Vanuatu

This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in Vanuatu: their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice.

Review of Health Leadership and Management Capacity in Timor-Leste

This review describes the current situation of health leadership and management capacity in Timor-Leste. [from summary]

One Day-One Problem Problem-based Learning (ODOP-PBL) for Continuing Education of Health Professionals

This paper presents a short preliminary report of how the Italian National Institute of Health has, since 2003, applied problem-based learning in a new approach called One Day-One Problem Problem-based Learning in short courses for the staff of the Italian National Health Service. [from abstract]

Getting Health Workers to Rural Areas: Innovative Analytic Work to Inform Policy Making

This paper presents results of an empirical study conducted in Liberia and Vietnam using a discrete choice experiment (DCE) which aimed to predict the likelihood of health workers taking up a rural area job under alternative incentive schemes.

Support the Workforce

This overview brief outlines the basic issues of HRH and the importance of boosting the capacity of the health workforce as part of health systems strengthening and as a priority need for achieving Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5.

Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan 2011-2016

The overall aim of the plan is to increase the number of appropriately skilled, motivated and equitably distributed health service providers for Rwanda. The main strategic objectives of the plan are: a coordinated approach to planning across the sector based on the best available data; increased number of trained and equitably distributed staff; improved productivity and performance of health workers; and strengthened human resource planning, management and development systems at all levels. [from summary]

Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health: a Profile of Indonesia

This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in Indonesia; their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice. [from summary]

Collaborating with Traditional Healers for HIV Prevention and Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: Suggestions for Programme Managers and Field Workers

The guidelines were conceived to help envision, plan, design, implement, evaluate and scale up initiatives that involve collaborating with traditional healers for HIV prevention and care in sub-Saharan Africa. The ultimate goal of this effort is to improve access to, and quality of, health services for the clients of both systems. [from author]

Incentives for Health Worker Retention in East and Southern Africa: Learning from Country Research

This paper presents a summary of a regional program on incentives for health worker retention. The studies sought to investigate the causes of migration of health professionals, the strategies used to retain health professionals, how they are being implemented, monitored and evaluated, as well as their impact, to make recommendations to enhance the monitoring, evaluation and management of non-financial incentives for health worker retention. [from summary]

Ghana Human Resource for Health Country Profile

This HRH profile: provides a comprehensive picture of the health workforce situation in Ghana; presents the HRH policies and management situation to help in monitoring the HRH stock and trends; provides basis for communication with and between policy-makers and stakeholders; strengthens the HRH information system by establishing evidence for baselines and trends; and facilitates information sharing and cross-country comparisons. [from author]

Human Resource Strategy Options for Safe Delivery

This report examines the current and future availability of skilled health workers for safe delivery services and the factors influencing their retention in government health facilities, particularly in rural areas of Nepal. [from author]

Motivating Health Workers to Serve in Rural Lao PDR

This issue of Voices describe an effort to assess health workers’ preferences in order to determine the most effective incentives for rural service. [adapted from author]

Determining Priority Retention Packages to Attract and Retain Health Workers in Rural and Remote Areas in Uganda

The Ministry of Health, in partnership with CapacityPlus, conducted a discrete choice experiment survey among current students in health training programs as well as health workers practicing in rural districts to investigate preferences for potential attraction and retention strategies. The results constitute an important input to the policy-making process related to the identification, costing, and selection of possible retention interventions for implementation. [from publisher]


What will motivate health workers to stay in rural areas? This brief presents an overview of the issue of retention along with suggested actions, key considerations, and resources. [from publisher]

Health Worker Information Systems

How can countries gather and use health workforce data to increase access to care? This brief presents an overview of the issue of health worker information systems along with suggested actions, key considerations, and resources. [from publisher]

Tracking All Health Workers in Botswana

Kabelo Bitsang, iHRIS administrator at the Botswana Ministry of Health, explains how the Ministry is using CapacityPlus’s free, open source software to track and manage the country’s health workforce. [from publisher]

Human Resources Mangement

Human resources management (HRM) focuses on people - how they fit within a health system; how they are hired, trained, paid, and supported; and how they can be most productive. This CapacityPlus Issue Brief focuses on how can we strengthen the systems health workers need to function effectively. [adapted from author]

Perceptions of Per Diem in the Health Sector: Evidence and Implications

This study details the perceived benefits, problems, and risks of abuse of per diems and allowances in developing countries. Drawing on 41 interviews with government and nongovernmental officials in Malawi and Uganda the report highlights how practices to maximize per diems have become a defining characteristic of many public institutions and influence how employees carry out their work. As per diems have become de facto top ups of salaries, more fundamental reform of health worker incentives and payment is also needed. [from abstract]

Health Care in Danger: Making the Case

This study looks at how violence affects the delivery of health care including attacks on patients, health-care workers and facilities, and on medical vehicles. It first looks at the general disruption to health care that occurs during conflict and civil strife, before looking more closely at specific types of violence. [adapted from author]

Sudan's National Policy Towards Voluntary Sector in Health

This document outlines the Ministry’s policies regarding the role NGOs play in national health policy and health services, outlines strengths and weaknesses of NGO programs and outlines government standards for integrating and evaluating NGO services. [adapted from author]

Missing Midwives

This report draws attention to the worldwide midwifery shortage, because midwives are vital for communities and families, and for improving a country’s health, particularly in areas with high maternal and child mortality. Midwives are the key to achieving Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 on child and maternal mortality. [adapted from foreword]

Improving Health Systems with the Power of Open Source

This edition of CapacityPlus Voices highlights the value of free, open source health information applications such as human resources for health information system software. [adapted from author]

Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at Community Level: A Profile of the Solomon Islands

This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in the Solomon Islands: their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice. [from summary]

Pre-Service Education Program Toolkit

This program guidance outlines key steps, identifies available resources and shares lessons learned to develop quality and relevant health worker pre-service education interventions. Although it focuses on health workers needed to deliver maternal and newborn health care, the process may be applied to any health pre-service program. The entire content of the toolkit is also available as a printable document, the Pre-Service Education Program Roadmap. [adapted from author]

Midwives: Making a Difference

This brief outlines the role and capacity of midwives in making high-quality reproductive health care available to women. [adapted from author]