Reproductive Health
Evidence-Based Practice in Neonatal Health: Knowledge among Primary Health Care Staff in Northern Viet Nam
An estimated four million deaths occur annually among children in the neonatal period. Current evidence-based interventions could prevent a large proportion of these deaths; however, neonatal health care workers need to have knowledge regarding such practices before being able to put them into action. This survey assesses the knowledge of primary health care practitioners regarding basic, evidence-based procedures in neonatal care in a Vietnamese province and investigates whether differences in level of knowledge were linked to certain characteristics of community health centers.
- 5116 reads
Senegal Private Sector Health Rapid Assessment
This report is the result of a rapid assessment conducted to better understand the current and potential market for family planning products and services in the private health sector in Senegal, as well as to provide recommendations to strengthen the private health sector. [adapted from executive summary]
- 5280 reads
Men's Partnership in Maternal Health (Jordan)
This video resource shows that despite the awareness advancement regarding reproductive health, women in Jordan still bear the burden of their health alone. This is especially true in rural areas; however, despite social criticism, men have decided to stand by their wives. [adapted from synopsis]
- 10381 reads
Delivering Mobile Reproductive Health
This video resource chronicles how after a truce in Nepal's civil war, a mobile reproductive health team is reaching isolated communities that have had no health services for years. [adapted from synopsis]
- 2027 reads
Rapid Assessment Tool for Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV Linkages: a Generic Guide
The objective of this adaptable tool is to assess HIV and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) bi-directional linkages at the policy, systems and service-delivery levels. It is intended also to identify gaps, and ultimately contribute to the development of country-specific action plans to forge and strengthen these linkages. It includes assement tools for evaluating staffing, human resources and capacity development (p.32) as well as a checklist for evaluating health workers’ capacity to perform SRH and HIV functions (p.82). [adapted from author]
- 2691 reads
Helping Cambodians Plan Their Families
This video resource shows how midwives and community volunteers are helping more Cambodian women to increase the time between births, thereby contributing to healthier pregnancies, infants and families as well as to a better chance of escaping poverty. [adapted from synopsis]
- 2081 reads
Vital Role of the Private Sector in Reproductive Health
Governments in developing countries are challenged to meet the health needs of their populations because of financial constraints, limited human resources, and weak health infrastructure. The private sector can help expand access to and quality of reproductive health services through its resources, expertise, and infrastructure.
- 2406 reads
Assessment of Family Planning Services in Kenya: Evidence from the 2004 Kenya Service Provision Assessment Survey
This study focused on factors associated with the readiness of Kenyan health facilities to provide quality and appropriate care to family planning clientele; the degree to which health care providers foster informed selection of an appropriate contraceptive method; and the extent to which clients perceive services to be of high quality. [from abstract]
- 2308 reads
Starting with the Classroom: Updating Family Planning Knowledge in East Africa
To build instructors’ capacity and address the knowledge gaps, the Capacity Project partnered with East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community and Africa’s Health in 2010 to deliver a week-long workshop on Contemporary Issues in Family Planning for midwifery tutors in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. [from author]
- 2394 reads
Taking Critical Services to the Home: Scaling-Up Home-based Maternal and Postnatal Care, Including Family Planning, through Community Midwifery in Kenya
Increasing access to safe delivery and family planning services within rural communities increases the opportunities for women to have positive outcomes for their pregnancies as well as to plan and achieve their desired family size. This paper examines the scaling up of a community-based model in Kenya that enabled women to give birth safely at home or to be referred to a hospital when attended by a self-employed skilled midwife living in the community. [adapted from summary]
- 2515 reads
Service Delivery-Based Training for Long-Acting Family Planning Methods: Pathfinder International in Ethiopia
Long-Acting Family Planning (LAFP) methods, provide uninterrupted protection to women for 3 to 12 years. But they must be inserted by trained providers in a safe clinical environment. With limited facilities and few providers, widespread implementation of LAFP in Ethiopia requires training of significant numbers of rural providers and developing properly equipped facilities for implant and IUCD insertions. This document describes a training program for family planning. [from author]
- 2737 reads
Ten Best Public and Private Sector Practices in Reproductive Health and Family Planning in the Europe and Eurasia Region
This brief synthesizes best practices in achieving reproductive health and family planning (RH/FP) goals for the Europe and Eurasia region, and highlights the role of the private sector in meeting these goals. [from author]
- 14851 reads
Accelerating Reproductive and Child Health Program Impact with Community-Based Services: the Navrongo Experiment in Ghana
This report concludes that assigning nurses to community locations where they provide basic curative and preventive care substantially reduces childhood mortality and accelerates progress towards attainment of the child survival MDG. The research in Navrongo demonstrates that affordable and sustainable means of combining nurse services with volunteer action can accelerate attainment of both the International Conference on Population and Development agenda and the MDGs. [from summary]
- 11924 reads
Increasing Access to Contraception for Clients with HIV: a Toolkit
The toolkit was developed to facilitate improved access to appropriate and effective contraception for clients with HIV, especially through the strategic integration of family planning with HIV prevention, care, and treatment services.
- 2261 reads
Feasibility, Acceptability, Effect and Cost of Integrating Counseling and Testing for HIV within Family Planning Services in Kenya
This document summarizes a project to design, implement and compare two models of integrating CT for HIV within FP services in 23 health facilities in Kenya in terms of their feasibility, acceptability, cost and effect on the voluntary use of CT, as well as the quality of FP services. [adapted from summary]
- 2209 reads
Elements of Success in Family Planning Programming
This issue offers an overview of the core factors contributing to the success of family planning programs. Family planning professionals around the world helped to identify these 10 crucial program elements. This report highlights program experiences, best practices, and evidence-based guidance derived from nearly six decades of experience in international family planning. [adapted from author]
Sections of the report that address HRH include “High-Performing Staff” (p. 16).
- 2673 reads
Improving Quality, Increasing Access to Reproductive Health Care in African Urban Slums
JHPIEGO has been focused on improving the quality and availability of reproductive health and family planning services for slum residents, both by targeting the facility-based health care providers and the community members who access these services. This document outlines several lessons that have been learned from this experience. [adapted from author]
- 1769 reads
Men’s Reproductive Health Curriculum
This three-part curriculum is designed to provide a broad range of health care workers with the skills and sensitivity needed to work with male clients and provide men’s reproductive health services. [from author]
- 2976 reads
Decentralization of Postabortion Care in Senegal and Tanzania
In developing countries, postabortion care (PAC) programs are frequently available only in urban or regional health facilities, placing rural women at greater risk for mortality and morbidity from complications because they lack access to services. This technical brief evaluates efforts to decentralize PAC activities in Senegal and Tanzania that show PAC can be safely and successfully decentralized with services capably provided by mid-level personnel in health centers, dispensaries, and some health posts when providers are trained and supervised and equipment and supplies are available.
- 5270 reads
Susan's Story: Keeping Secrets and Promoting Family Planning in Rural Kenya
This Voices discusses the experiences of nurse hired through the Emergency Hiring Plan in Kenya in providing family planning services, and the importance of confidentiality in the successful provision of these services.
- 2347 reads
Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy: a Trainer's Reference Guide
This guide is a resource for trainers in developing in-service training for facility-based healthcare providers and community health workers (CHWs) who already have some basic experience with and understanding of RH/FP. This is not a training manual, but a reference guide which can be used and adapted by trainers based on whether or not trainees are facility-based or community-based. [from author]
- 2595 reads
Scaling Up Health Service Delivery: from Pilot Innovations to Policies and Programs
This book considers the topic of scaling up with a focus on ways to increase the impact of health service innovations that have been tested in pilot or experimental projects so as to benefit more people and to foster policy and program development on a lasting, sustainable basis.
Chapter 8 of this book describes an innovative educational approach to capacity building and scaling up reproductive health services in Latin America. It explains how the capacity to provide innovative training was scaled up in public sector reproductive health services in Brazil, Bolivia and Chile. [from introd
- 2837 reads
Youth Friendly Pharmacies and Partnerships: the CMS-CELSAM Experience
The Commercial Market Strategies project (CMS) developed a network of youth-friendly pharmacies to provide reproductive health information and contraceptives to youth in Guanajuato, Mexico. The network involved the commercial sector in providing reproductive health and family planning services, as well as respecting youths’
privacy and reducing their potential embarrassment when obtaining those services. [from abstract]
- 1861 reads
Evidence-Based Planning for Sustainability of Government Reproductive Health Services
This training manual is designed to be used to prepare local government health teams to use evidence-based methods to develop long-term plans to strengthen their Reproductive Health (RH) programs. [from abstract]
- 2604 reads
Global Knowledge/Local Bodies: Family Planning Service Providers’ Interpretations of Contraceptive Knowledge
This paper examines Tanzanian service providers’ perceptions of contraceptives to shed light on questions of local level dissemination of population knowledge and shaping of identities. The findings suggest that the family planning program serves in a process of differentiation between two groups of local women: the service providers and their clients. [adapted from abstract]
- 1781 reads
Cost Effectiveness of Standard Days Method Refresher Trainings Using the Knowledge Improvement Tool in Guatemala
The Knowledge Improvement Tool (KIT) was created to allow family planning supervisors to quickly identify gaps in knowledge of Standard Days Method (SDM) providers, allowing them to provide targeted, effective support during routine supervisory visits. This study was designed to compare the effectiveness and the cost benefit of KIT to other methods of reinforcing SDM provider knowledge. [adapted from author]
- 2138 reads
Has the Navrongo Project in Northern Ghana Been Successful in Altering Fertility Preferences?
This document evaluates the expected change in the reproductive preferences of women due to the presence of volunteers and community health workers providing health service delivery in the communities through the Community Health and Family Planning project. In the communities where there is intervention, women seem to show that their fertility preferences are generally shifting towards small family sizes although the fertility levels are still high. [adapted from author]
- 2494 reads
Monitoring the Performance of a Reproductive Health Franchise in Nepal
This study examines the experience of the Sewa nurse and paramedic franchise in Nepal and assesses whether there were changes in the perceived quality of services approximately one year after the formation of the network. This study also examines the extent to which there was an increase in the use of reproductive health services during this period. [from introduction]
- 1701 reads
Provision of Injectable Contraception Services through Community-Based Distribution: Implementation Handbook
Produced in collaboration with Save the Children USA, this step-by-step guide explains how to introduce injectable contraceptives
- 7449 reads
Introducing Family Planning Services into Antiretroviral Program in Ghana: an Evaluation of a Pilot Intervention
This report documents the assessment of a family planning training program for providers to enable them to offer family planning counseling and methods, and make referrals where needed as part of antiretroviral therapy services in Ghana. [from summary]
- 22178 reads