Maternal & Child Health
Did the Strategy of Skilled Attendance at Birth Reach the Poor in Indonesia?
This study assessed whether the strategy of “a midwife in every village” in Indonesia achieved its aim of increasing professional delivery care for the poorest women. [from abstract]
- 4857 reads
Assessment of Effects of Pre and Post-Training Programme for Healthcare Professionals about Breastfeeding
This retrospective study assessed the effects of pre- and post-training programme for healthcare professionals about breastfeeding. [from abstract]
- 3043 reads
Expanding the Role of Community Based Workers and Advocates in Safe Motherhood
Under the ENABLE Safe Motherhood Core Initiative, CEDPA/India collaborated with the Community Aid and Sponsorship Program on the Safe Motherhood Initiative to reduce maternal death by showing women, their families and their communities how to prepare for a safe delivery, to identify pregnancy-related complications at their onset, and to seek medical help immediately. [publisher’s description]
- 2519 reads
Competence of Maternal and Child Health Clinic Workers in Detecting Malnutrition in Somalia
The MCH clinic workers in Somalia receive formal and in-service training to perform their professional duties. Their competence in the field was never examined. This study assessed their competencies in detecting malnourished children 5 years and below in Beledweyne. [from abstract]
- 2588 reads
Contribution of Privately Owned Hospitals in the Provision of Essential Obstetric Care in Nigeria
The objective of the study reported in this article was to highlight the private sector contribution in the provision of essential obstetric care in Abia State, Southeastern Nigeria. [adapted from abstract]
- 1683 reads
Training of Trainers Module: Women's Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle and in the Context of HIV and AIDS
This module is intended to equip instructors with basic theory to train health workers in a life cycle approach to women’s nutrition. Women’s nutrition and care in the context of HIV and AIDS is integrated into the module. Health workers will apply the knowledge and skills in negotiation and interpersonal communication to help mothers and caregivers care for their own nutritional needs and feed their infants and young children optimally. [publisher’s description]
- 3083 reads
Midwives' Competence: Is It Affected by Working in a Rural Location?
Rising health care costs and the need to consolidate expertise in tertiary services have led to the centralisation of services. In the UK, the result has been that many rural maternity units have become midwife-led. A key consideration is that midwives have the skills to competently and confidently provide maternity services in rural areas, which may be geographically isolated and where the midwife may only see a small number of pregnant women each year. Our objective was to compare the views of midwives in rural and urban settings, regarding their competence and confidence with respect to competencies identified as being those which all professionals should have in order to provide effective and safe care for low-risk women.
- 7710 reads
Challenge for Nursing and Midwifery
In this discussion document, the Department of Health and Children identifies key development issues facing nursing and midwifery in the future. This is in order to establish a strong platform for the formulation of a strategic response to these issues. The document contains an insightful analysis of the challenges ahead and identifies a range of possible responses. [from preface]
- 22675 reads
Report on the Continuing Professional Development of Staff Nurses and Staff Midwives
Nurses and midwives face the challenge of embracing new methods of care delivery which will provide a quality service that is truly people-centred. There is growing evidence of the need to link continuing professional development with organisational goals. The construction of career pathways in a healthcare system which is subject to radical and far-reaching change is an issue of growing importance to nurses and midwives. [from executive summary]
- 2997 reads
Developing the Health Workforce: Training Future Nurses and Midwives in Rwanda
This document introduces a competency-based curriculum for nurses and midwives in Rwanda developed by the Capacity Project.
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Guidelines for Evaluating Basic Nursing and Midwifery Education and Training Programmes in the African Region
The aims of these guidelines are to provide information about the concepts and processes essential for quality assurance of basic nursing and midwifery education in the African Region; propose a process and content for evaluating existing basic nursing and midwifery education programs; stimulate ideas for establishing a quality assurance system for basic nursing and midwifery education; guide allocation of human and financial resources in current and future programmes and services; provide well-defined international and regional standards of education. [from introduction]
- 12053 reads
Chiranjeevi: Involving Private Obstetricians to Reduce Maternal Mortality in Gujarat (India)
This PowerPoint was presented at the 2007 GHC expert panel “Making it Work: Private Sector Partnerships to Improve Women’s Health.” It discusses the challenges, costs and results of a program to use private practitioners for improving maternal and child survival.
- 2982 reads
Shortages and Shortcomings: the Maternal Health Workforce Crisis
Providing maternal care requires a viable and effective health workforce. In many countries, and certainly in all countries where maternal mortality is high, the size, skills and infrastructure of the workforce is inadequate… Apart from taking urgent corrective action on salaries and conditions, strategic decisions must be made in three areas: training, deployment, and retention of health workers. [author’s description]
- 1999 reads
Comparing Maternal Health Services in Four Countries
While the availability and use of trained midwives can shape the quality of care received in pregnancy and childbirth, a number of other underlying health systems structures and processes are important. The management of health workforces, the mix of public and private provision and the impact of reforms affect quality of care across countries…[This study] examined how the structure and operation of a health system influences maternal health care provision and outcomes in Bangladesh, Russia, South Africa and Uganda. [author’s description]
- 2192 reads
Maternal Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: Tackling the Skills Shortage
Sub-Saharan Africa has the worst rate of maternal ill-health in the world. Maternal deaths occur partly because health systems are inadequately staffed to deal effectively with birth complications. How can maternal health human resources be managed better to ensure that all women, especially in poor, rural areas, can access good quality maternal health care? [author’s description]
- 3141 reads
Going to Scale with Professional Skilled Care
Because most women prefer professionally provided maternity care when they have access to it, and since the needed clinical interventions are well known, we discuss in their paper what is needed to move forward from apparent global stagnation in provision and use of maternal health care where maternal mortality is high. To increase the supply of professional skilled birthing care, strategic decisions must be made in three areas: training, deployment, and retention of health workers. [from summary]
- 1678 reads
Health Providers' Counselling of Caregivers in the Integrated Mangement of Childhood Illness (IMCI) Programme in Uganda
IMCI was launched in Uganda in June 1995 and has so far been implemented in most districts. However, reports indicate that counselling is poorly performed and that health providers find IMCI counselling the most difficult component to implement. The study was carried out to assess IMCI-trained health providers’ counselling of caregivers and to determine factors that facilitate or constrain counselling. [from abstract]
- 1566 reads
Recognition of High Risk Pregnancies and Referral Practices Among Traditional Birth Attendants in Mkuranga District, Coast Region, Tanzania
A cross-sectional study was carried out in Mkuranga District of Tanzania with the aim of comparing the ability of trained and untrained traditional birth attendants (TBAs) in identifying women with danger signs for developing complications during pregnancy and childbirth as well as their referral practices. Study findings revealed that majority of the TBAs (86.5%) had not received any training. Trained TBAs were more knowledgeable on danger signs during pregnancy and childbirth and were more likely to refer women with complications to a health facility, compared to untrained TBAs. The authors recommend that in resource constrained countries like Tanzania and especially in remote rural areas, TBAs should be trained on early identification of mothers with obstetrical complications and on their prompt referral to health facilities that can provide emergency obstetric care.
- 3343 reads
Swaziland's Traditional Birth Attendants Survey
The Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) Survey in Swaziland was undertaken between March 27th 1996 and April 8th 1996. The objective of the survey was to generate reliable information regarding activities of TBAs in Swaziland. The survey was conducted in 25 Chiefdoms sampled out of a total of 206 Chiefdoms registered in Swaziland. [from abstract]
- 2932 reads
Achieving Child Survival Goals: Potential Contribution of Community Health Workers
This article discusses the potential contribution of community health workers to child survival rates. Several trials show substantial reductions in child mortality, particularly through case management of ill children by these types of community interventions. However, community health workers require focussed tasks, adequate remuneration, training, supervision, and the active involvement of the communities in which they work. This article discusses the need for evaluation of programmes for community health workers. [from summary]
- 3959 reads
Strengthening Midwife-Hilot Partnership to Improve Maternity and Newborn Care Services in ARMM
This model for strengthening the midwife and hilot partnership was developed to improve the quality and accessibility of maternity and newborn care services (MNCS) in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). It aims to provide quality MNCS at various service settings like the home, community and health facilities. [introduction]
- 3500 reads
Midwives Assisting Homebirths Face Opposition in Rural Bangladesh
The Centre for Health and Population Research, Dhaka, looked at the experiences of midwives attending homebirths in the rural region of Matlab. In Bangladesh, 91 percent of births still take place at home and only 13 percent are assisted by a doctor or midwife. In 1987, almost 20 years ago, a health initiative was introduced in Matlab to allow midwives to attend women in the home. Researchers conducted interviews and group discussions with 13 midwives in Matlab in 2003 and 2004 to learn what difficulties they faced during their work. [author’s description]
- 2627 reads
HIV and Infant Feeding Counselling: Challenges Faced by Nurse-Counsellors in Northern Tanzania
Infant feeding is a subject of worry in prevention of mother to child transmission (pMTCT) programmes in settings where breastfeeding is normative. Nurse-counsellors, expected to counsel HIV-positive women on safer infant feeding methods as defined in national/international guidelines, are faced with a number of challenges. This study aims to explore the experiences and situated concerns of nurses working as infant feeding counsellors to HIV-positive mothers enrolled in pMTCT programmes in the Kilimanjaro region, northern Tanzania. [abstract]
- 3712 reads
Indonesia: Resident Midwives Help Avert Maternal Deaths When Financial Barriers are Removed
In 1989, the government of Indonesia launched the Midwife in the Village programme. Its purpose was to reduce maternal death by assigning a resident midwife to each village in the country. By definition, she would live in the village and be part of the community she served. In 2005, Immpact examined the effect of the programme on the health and survival of mothers in two districts in Java. [from author’s description]
- 2290 reads
TRACE: a New Way to Measure Quality of Maternal Health Care
To evaluate the quality of maternal clinical care, Immpact, a global research initiative, developed an innovative method, called TRACE, to trace adverse and favourable events in pregnancy care. It is based on the confidential enquiry technique, whereby expert panels of health care professionals assess the quality of health care provided to clients in an
adverse event, such as a maternal death. [author’s description]
- 2370 reads
Postoperative Outcome of Caesarean Sections and Other Major Emergency Obstetric Surgery by Clinical Officers and Medical Officers in Malawi
Clinical officers perform much of major emergency surgery in Malawi, in the absence of medical officers. The aim of this study was to validate the advantages and disadvantages of delegation of major obstetric surgery to non-doctors. [abstract]
- 2109 reads
Health Workers and Vaccination Coverage in Developing Countries: an Econometric Analysis
Although health workers are needed to do vaccinations, the role of human resources for health as a determinant of vaccination coverage at the population level has not been investigated. The author’s aim was to test whether health worker density was positively associated with childhood vaccination coverage in developing countries. [from summary]
- 2477 reads
Low Use of Skilled Attendants' Delivery Services in Rural Kenya
The aim of the study was to estimate the use of skilled attendants’ delivery services among users of antenatal care and the coverage of skilled attendants’ delivery services in the general population in Kikoneni location, Kenya. Antenatal care attendance, deliveries by skilled attendants, and the percentage of antenatal care attendees who delivered in a healthcare facility were assessed. Targeted programmatic efforts are necessary to increase skilled attendant-assisted births, with the ultimate goal of reducing maternal mortality. [from abstract]
- 9177 reads
Transition to Skilled Birth Attendance: Is There a Future Role for Trained Traditional Birth Attendants?
This document provides a brief history of training of traditional birth attendants (TBAs), summary of evidence for effectiveness of TBA training, and consideration of the future role of trained TBAs in an environment that emphasizes transition to skilled birth attendance. [adapted from abstract]
- 4043 reads
Postpartum and Newborn Care: a Self-Study Manual for Trainers of Traditional Birth Attendants and Other Community-Level Maternal and Child Health Workers
The purpose of this self-study manual is to provide accurate and accessible information on postpartum and newborn care to trainers of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) and other community-level Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Workers.* The information can be integrated into existing training curricula and materials or it can be adapted into additional units for an ongoing program of instruction for TBAs. [from introduction]
- 9512 reads