Service Delivery
Strengthening Human Resources for Adolescent Health in Sri Lanka through Health and Education Sector Collaboration
This study found that intersectoral collaboration would ensure effiecient use of current health care workforce to improve the provision of health services and information to adolescents. [adapted from author]
- 673 reads
Integrating Palliative Care into HIV Services: A Practical Toolkit for Implementers
The purpose of this toolkit is to provide HIV care and
treatment programme managers and clinicians with practical
steps on how to integrate palliative care into adult and
paediatric HIV services. [from author]
- 704 reads
Compliance of Health Care Workers with Hand Hygiene Practices: Independent Advantages of Overt and Covert Observers
This study used covert observers to determine health worker adherence to hand hygiene compliance for hospital infection control.
- 1442 reads
Experiences of Health Care Providers with Integrated HIV and Reproductive Health Services in Kenya: A Qualitative Study
This qualitative study was conducted among frontline health workers to explore provider experiences with integration in order to ascertain their significance to the performance of integrated health facilities. [from abstract]
- 740 reads
Integrating Family Planning and HIV/AIDS Services: Health Workforce Considerations
Governments and the global health community are increasingly paying attention to maximizing and measuring impact through service delivery integration efforts in family planning/HIV service integration. This technical brief assesses the evidence on the role of health workers in the integration of family planning and HIV services and discusses key health worker considerations when integrating these services. [from publisher]
- 821 reads
Introducing Integrated Mobile Teams to Burundi: Technical Update
This update describes the development of a platform for delivery of essential health services in a post-conflict setting using integrated mobile teams of health workers consisting of MOH doctors, nurses, midwives, community health workers, and technicians, as well as community nutrition volunteers. [adapted from author]
- 978 reads
Making Health Markets Work for the Poor: Improving Provider Performance
The paper develops a framework for designing and implementing healthcare delivery innovations aimed at making markets work better for poor people. Focusing on the social contract between providers and users, it reviews several arrangements that have emerged, with a particular focus on the providers largely used by the poor. [from publisher]
- 993 reads
Workhood: A Useful Concept for the Analysis of Health Workers' Resources? An Evaluation from Tanzania
Drawing on livelihood studies in health and sociological theory of capitals, this study develops and evaluates the new concept of workhood. As an analytical device the concept aims at understanding health workers’ capacities to access resources (human, financial, physical, social, cultural and symbolic capital) and transfer them to the community from an individual perspective. [from abstract]
- 1080 reads
Influence of the Service Delivery Environment on Family Planning Outcomes in Nigeria
This paper examined the association of the family planning service delivery environment with contraceptive outcomes among males and females in five states of Nigeria, including the impact of health worker training in family planning, and the effect of the provider-client interaction on uptake of modern methods. [adapted from abstract]
- 1193 reads
Outreach Services as a Strategy to Increase Access to Health Workers in Remote and Rural Areas
This report presents an overview of outreach services provided by health workers to remote and rural populations in different countries and contexts. It highlights the potential for alternative health service delivery models, such as mobile clinics and telemedicine, to enhance the attraction and retention of health workers in underserved areas. [from preface]
- 1256 reads
Positive Spill-Over Effects of ART Scale Up on Wider Health Systems Development: Evidence from Ethiopia and Malawi
The impact of HIV-specific funds and programmes on non-HIV-related health services and health systems in genera has been debated extensively. Drawing on evidence from Malawi and Ethiopia, this article analyses the effects of ART scale-up interventions on human resources policies, service delivery and general health outcomes, and explores how synergies can be maximized. [from abstract]
- 1247 reads
Huge Potential for Improved Health Service Quality
This brief outlines a study from rural Tanzania that shows that there is a huge potential for improving service quality with the existing workforce, by reducing the large gap between knowledge and practice. [adapted from author]
- 1245 reads
Constraints to Implementing the Essential Health Package in Malawi
The research detailed in this paper aimed to understand which health system factors constrained the delivery of the Essential Health Package (EHP) in Malawi, namely two areas factors - human resources and drug supply. [adapted from author]
- 1554 reads
Growing Caseload of Chronic Life-Long Conditions Calls for a Move towards Full Self-Management in Low Income Countries
The aim of this paper is to show that present provider-centred models of chronic care are not adequate and to propose full self-management as an alternative for low-income countries, facilitated by expert patient networks and smart phone technology. [from abstract]
- 1467 reads
From PALSA PLUS to PALM PLUS: Adapting and Developing a South African Guideline and Training Intervention to Better Integrate HIV/AIDS Care with Primary Care in Rural Health Centers in Malawi
This report describes the development of a guideline and training program (PALM PLUS) designed to integrate HIV/AIDS care with other primary care in Malawi. [from abstract]
- 1490 reads
Integrating HIV Screening into Routine Health Care in Resource-Limited Settings
This article reviews the benefits of knowledge of HIV serostatus and evidence from multiple countries surrounding the successes and pitfalls of provider-initiated testing in health care and home-based settings.
- 1160 reads
Task Shifting and Integration of HIV Care into Primary Care in South Africa: The Development and Content of the Streamlining Tasks and Roles to Expand Treatment and Care for HIV (STRETCH) Intervention
Task shifting and the integration of HIV care into primary care services have been identified as possible strategies for improving access to antiretroviral treatment. This paper describes the development and content of an intervention involving these two strategies. [from abstract]
- 1489 reads
Implementation of Integrated Care: the Empirical Validation of the Development Model for Integrated Care
This study empirically validated a model for integrated care in practice by assessing the relevance, implementation and plans of the elements in three integrated care service settings in The Netherlands. [from abstract]
- 1290 reads
Family Planning and HIV Services Toolkit
This toolkit is your one-stop source for evidence-based knowledge and promising practices to support the successful integration of family planning (FP) and HIV services. It summarizes the latest evidence and provides links to guidelines and tools to help you plan, manage, deliver, evaluate, and support integrated services. [adapted from publisher]
- 2022 reads
Scaling Up Integration: Development and Results of a Participatory Assessment of HIV/TB Services, South Africa
In South Africa the need to integrate HIV, TB and STI programmes has been recognised at a policy and organisation level; the challenge is now one of translating policies into relevant actions and monitoring implementation to ensure that the anticipated benefits of integration are achieved. This research set out to determine how middle level managers could be empowered to monitor the implementation of an effective, integrated HIV/TB/STI service. [from abstract]
- 1783 reads
What Does It Take to Make Integrated Care Work?
Around the world, only a few health care providers deliver integrated care effectively. Their experiences offer useful lessons for organizations that want to pilot integrated-care programs. [from author]
- 2031 reads
Integrated Approach of Community Health Worker Support for HIV/AIDS and TB Care in Angonia District, Mozambique
This paper provides a participant-observer perspective of the evolution of community health workers from vertical and isolated activities for TB, HIV and other specific diseases to an integrated community health team approach for tackling the main disease burden in a rural district of Mozambique. [from introduction]
- 2193 reads
Integrating Family Planning and VCT Services in Ethiopia: Experiences of Health Care Providers
This study was undertaken primarily to understand what effect the efforts to integrate family planning and VCT services in health facilities had on health care providers’ work and service delivery practices in two regions of Ethiopia. [from summary]
- 3442 reads
Integrating Family Planning and HIV Services Improves Service Quality
This study tested the feasibility, acceptability, and cost of two models for integrating HIV prevention services, including counseling and testing, within established family planning programs, and evaluated their quality against the standard practice. [from author]
- 2372 reads
Assessing the Role of the Private Health Sector in HIV/AIDS Service Delivery in Ethiopia
This study seeks to assess the role of private health facilities and pharmacies in HIV/AIDS service delivery in Ethiopia, and specifically to identify factors that could enable greater involvement of this sector in addressing the HIV epidemic.
- 3181 reads
Narrowing the Gap Between Eye Care Needs and Service Provision: the Service-Training Nexus
The provision of eye care in the developing world has been constrained by the limited number of trained personnel and by professional cultures. This paper presents a highly flexible competencies-based multiple entry and exit training system that matches and adapts training to the prevailing population and service needs and demands, while lifting overall standards over time and highlighting the areas of potential benefit. [from abstract]
- 1863 reads
Improving Efficiency: Assessing Efficiency in Service Delivery
In recent years, some efforts have been made at developing systems for assessing performance and generating information to assist in the distribution of resources in the health sector. However, most of these measurements have focused on the implementation of services and the intermediate steps that determine how inputs are transformed into outputs. This document uses available information to estimate the cost of providing service and workload analysis in order to provide a picture of efficiency in the delivery of services. [from introduction]
- 5563 reads
Primary Health Care Delivery Models in Rural and Remote Australia: a Systematic Review
This is the first study to systematically review the available published literature describing innovative models of comprehensive primary health care (PHC) in rural and remote Australia since the development of the first National Rural Health Strategy (1993-2006). The study aimed to describe what health service models were reported to work, where they worked and why. [from abstract]
- 8816 reads
Increasing Access to Contraception for Clients with HIV: a Toolkit
The toolkit was developed to facilitate improved access to appropriate and effective contraception for clients with HIV, especially through the strategic integration of family planning with HIV prevention, care, and treatment services.
- 2261 reads
South African Health Review 2008
The theme of this edition is primary health care in South Africa. It includes national and international perpescitves on primary health care and focuses on areas such as policy and legislation, infectious diseases, maternal and child health and human resources. Chapter 11 discusses strengthening human resources for primary care. [adapted from summary]
- 2869 reads