Tools & Guides
K4Health Blended Learning Guide
This guide gives recommendations about how the global health eLearning courses can be used to enhance face-to-face, online, and blended training and performance support approaches by helping participants acquire and apply new knowledge and comprehension. Practical examples of how to do so are included for trainers and individual learners. [adapted from author]
- 612 reads
Why Do They Leave and Where Do They Go? Exit Interviewing of Resigning Staff
To assist in filling the information gap on the reasons for migration and mobility of health workers in six Pacific island countries, the authors designed this survey template to collect information on why health professionals leave service, what they intend doing and where they intend going after leaving. [adapted from author]
- 670 reads
Cost-Effectiveness Analyses of Training: A Manger's Guide
This article has been written as a guide for program managers who want to recognize and support high quality cost-effetiveness analysis (CEA) of training. It focuses on the approaches and challenges associated with conducting CEA of training in the context of program implementation or rapid expansion of programs. [from author]
- 688 reads
Improving Outcomes with Community Health Workers
This program management unit explores some of the key components and lessons learned from designing and implementing community health worker programs within national primary healthcare
systems. [adapted from author]
- 548 reads
Designing and Implementing Health Care Provider Payment Systems: How-To Manuals
This extensive volume shows how revenues, once collected and pooled, can then be channeled through specialized financing arrangements or agencies that have substantial purchasing power; that provide a predictable income stream for providers; and that allow strategic decisions to be made about priorities and spending patterns that would not be possible in the case of direct patient-healer financial transactions. [adapted from preface]
- 802 reads
Spinning Plates: Establishing a Work-Life Balance
Increased demand for nurses means that the organisations that provide employee-friendly policies will gain a competitive edge in attracting and retaining a quality nursing workforce. This publication provides guidance on the issues affecting work-life balance to influence employers and policy-makers on workplace policies. [adapte from author]
- 597 reads
Human Resources Management Assessment Approach
This assessment approach was developed to guide policy-makers, managers, and human resources practitioners toward better understanding and responding to human resource management challenges facing their health systems. [from introduction]
- 1150 reads
Integrating Palliative Care into HIV Services: A Practical Toolkit for Implementers
The purpose of this toolkit is to provide HIV care and
treatment programme managers and clinicians with practical
steps on how to integrate palliative care into adult and
paediatric HIV services. [from author]
- 704 reads
Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit: Designing Evidence-Based Incentives for Health Workers
This toolkit is intended to allow human resources managers to determine health professionals’ motivational preferences for accepting and remaining in posts. The toolkit builds on the WHO global policy recommendations for rural retention and is based on the discrete choice experiment, a powerful research method that identifies the trade-offs health professionals (or other types of workers) are willing to make between specific job characteristics and determines their preferences for various incentive packages, including the probability of accepting a post in a rural health facility.
- 921 reads
Optimizing Health Worker Roles to Improve Access to Key Maternal and Newborn Health Interventions through Task Shifting
The objective of this guidance is to issue evidence-based recommendations to facilitate universal access to key, effective maternal and newborn interventions through the optimization of health worker roles. [from summary]
- 885 reads
Developing Competencies and Professional Standards for Health Promotion Capacity Building in Europe: The CompHP Project Handbooks
Within this document is a set of competencies for Europe, a set of professional standards and a proposal for an accreditation system that will work to ensure greater quality, consistency and effectiveness of the health promotion workforce on this continent. The document contains three handbooks: core competencies framework, professional standards and accreditation framework. [adapted from author]
- 1116 reads
How to Keep ART Patients in Long-Term Care: ART Adherence Club Report and Toolkit
This toolkit is simple model that allows patient groups to collect pre-packed, two-month supplies of treatment from lay health workers either at the clinic or outside of the clinic - whether at a local library or at a fellow patients home. Antiretroviral treatment (ART) adherence clubs give stable adherent HIV patients easier access to their treatment, while unclogging clinics and freeing up scarce nurses and doctors to manage new or at-risk HIV patients. [from publisher]
- 1000 reads
WHO Country Assessment Tool on the Uses and Sources for Human Resources for Health (HRH) Data
The World Health Organization (WHO) created this diagnostic tool to conduct a diagnosis on the quality of data on HRH and the degree to which information is used for evidence-based decision-making. It contains questions intended to gather information on the uses, type and quality of data on HRH at institutional level in countries to identify strengths and weaknesses of the current HRIS in countries. [adapted from publisher]
- 714 reads
Human Resources for Health Toolkit
This toolkit brings together a set of existing tools that are in use for various aspects of country level HRH development, including situation analysis, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The toolkit is meant to help the countries in developing, implementing, and monitoring evidence-based HRH plans. It may also be used by those wishing to review or validate their current HRH plans and interventions. [from publisher]
- 1403 reads
Addressing the Need: Lessons for Service Delivery Organizations on Delivering Contracted-Out Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services
This primer aims to provide clear lessons and recommendations to help service delivery organizations
and program managers establish, implement, and strengthen contracting arrangements. The primer draws on Marie
Stopes International’s experience of delivering government-contracted services in Bangladesh, India, and South
Africa. [from summary]
- 837 reads
Planning, Implementing, and Monitoring, Home-Based HIV Testing and Counselling: A Practical Handbook for Sub-Saharan Africa
Because programming for home-based HIV testing and counselling (HBHTC) services poses a series of practical challenges with design, cost, human resource, and logistical implications, the purpose of this handbook is to provide practical guidance on ways to address these challenges and to outline some of the key considerations when planning, implementing, and monitoring HBHTC. [from author]
- 1011 reads
Workforce Planning Tool: User's Guide
This tool collects data related to the current size of staff by position and the facility workload for each department. It then uses worker activity standards developed by Egyptian expert panels to calculate the precise workforce required to meet the workload of each facility. The tool’s output capabilities display the size of the gaps between current and required staff, examined across facilities, specialty areas, and types of worker, as well as among specialties within a facility. [from author]
- 2198 reads
Human Resource Capacity for Public Health Supply Chain Management Assessment
This data management tool is intended to help manage and organize an assessment for the human resource capacity for supply chain management for reporting and to enable standaridization for cross-country analysis. [adapted from author]
- 822 reads
Effective Training Practices
This brief summarizes evidence and best practices for making the most of health worker training interventions. It is designed to help program managers: identify when training is appropriate to introduce a new job responsibility or help improve performance, and ensure that training is effective. [adapted from author]
- 834 reads
Mangers Who Lead: A Handbook for Improving Health Services
This resource is designed to assist health managers at all levels of an organization face challenges such as: how to create a shared vision of better health and a clear plan for achieving it; improving work climate; preparing for higher levels of responsibility; and leading change inside and outside the organization. [adapted from publisher]
- 1679 reads
Labour Market for Human Resources for Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
This paper provides an introduction to the terms and tools of labour market analysis, connects these labour market principles to real-world case studies from low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). The data needed to examine labour markets is also noted to allow human resource practitioners to begin their own empirical examination of health worker labour markets in LMIC. [adapted from introduction]
- 1359 reads
Addressing Gender-Based Violence through USAID's Health Programs: A Guide for Health Sector Program Officers
This guide is meant to help program officers integrate gender-based violence initiatives into health sector portfolios during project design, implementation and evaluation. It focuses on what the health sector can do in each type of health program - from community mobilization to health policy. [adapted from author]
- 822 reads
District Health System Reorganization Guideline from a Managerial Perspective
These guidelines are Rwanda’s official guide to the management of a functional district health system and were designed as a daily guide for the duties of the district health team. It traces key roles and responsibilities of each team member. [adapted from foreward]
- 1536 reads
Monitoring the Building Blocks of Health Systems: A Handbook of Indicators and Their Measurement Strategies
This monitoring and evaluation framework shows how health inputs and processes (e.g. health workforce) are reflected in outputs (e.g. available services) that are reflected in outcomes (e.g. coverage) and impact (morbidity and mortality). It addresses monitoring and evaluation needs for different users and multiple purposes and is structured around the WHO framework that describes health systems in terms of six core components: service delivery, health workforce, health information systems, access to essential medicines, financing, and leadership/governance. [adapted from author]
- 1562 reads
Private Health Policy Toolkit
This toolkit offers health policy stakeholders and practitioners online access to a growing collection of information about policies and practices that can help enhance the contribution of the private sector to important health goals in developing countries. [from publisher]
- 2057 reads
THEnet’s Evaluation Framework for Socially Accountable Health Professional Education
This document allows medical schools in low-resource areas to get a sense of where they are on the road towards greater social accountability and in their ability to increase impact on health and health services. [adapted from author]
- 1246 reads
Public-Private Mix for TB Care and Control: A Toolkit
Engaging all relevant health care providers in TB care and control through public-private mix approaches is an essential component of the World Health Organization’s Stop TB Strategy. This toolkit provides specific guidance to national tuberculosis programs on working with diverse care providers based on country experiences. [adapted from author]
- 1256 reads
Partnership Defined Quality: A Tool Book for Community and Health Provider Collaboration for Quality Improvement
This manual was designed to be a resource and guide for exploring and planning quality improvement activities through partnership activities involving service providers and the community members that they are meant to serve. [from introduction]
- 1531 reads
Taking the Pulse of Policy: The Policy Implementation Assessment Tool
The Policy Implementation Assessment Tool, user-friendly approach and tool for assessing policy implementation, comprises two interview guides that explore the perspectives of policymakers and program implementers, including community-level health workers, local leaders, and clients. This document provides guidance to help readers adapt the tool to different policies and contexts in their own countries. [adapted from introduction]
- 2366 reads
Improving the Health Sector Response to Gender-Based Violence: a Resource Manual for Health Care Professionals in Developing Countries
The objective of this manual is to provide health care managers with a practical guide to improving the health care response to violence against women in developing country settings.
- 1705 reads