Preservice Education Family Planning Reference Guide
This guide was developed to assist preservice health institutions in Malawi in creating, updating, or adapting the family planning content of their curricula and individual courses. Included in this document are materials that institutions and individual tutors can use to develop technically accurate and pedagogically sound lessons on family planning. [adapted from introduction]
- 2360 reads
Competency-to-Curriculum Toolkit
This toolkit has been developed to facilitate the development of a public health workforce competent to meet its assigned mission. One part of that process is the use of competency-based curricula in public health training or education and how to determine the right activities for moving from a competency set to developing a curriculum. [adapted from author]
- 2412 reads
Curricula Organizer for Reproductive Health Education (CORE)
CORE is an open access, cutting edge tool for building presentations on the full spectrum of reproductive health topics. It has sample slides for easy insertion into a presentation that users can download as well as fact sheets, activities, studies and other resources. [adapted from publisher]
- 2365 reads
Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus: a Toolkit for Family Planning Service Providers Working in High HIV/STI Prevalence Settings
This toolkit is an interactive, client-friendly approach for improving counseling on family planning and prevention, detection, and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV. It includes a training of trainers guide that supervisors and others can use to train health care facility directors and service providers on how to use the BCS+ for counseling family planning clients. [from publisher]
- 4148 reads
Increasing Access to Contraception for Clients with HIV: a Toolkit
The toolkit was developed to facilitate improved access to appropriate and effective contraception for clients with HIV, especially through the strategic integration of family planning with HIV prevention, care, and treatment services.
- 2261 reads
Facilitative Supervision for Quality Improvement: a Curriculum
This curriculum focuses on the fundamentals of quality health care services in presenting an approach to supervision that emphasizes mentoring, joint problem solving, and two-way communication. It is meant to be used by trainers who introduce the facilitative approach to supervision to supervisors from different levels of the health system: on-site and off-site supervisors, including medical and nonmedical supervisors. [from publisher]
- 5011 reads
Men’s Reproductive Health Curriculum
This three-part curriculum is designed to provide a broad range of health care workers with the skills and sensitivity needed to work with male clients and provide men’s reproductive health services. [from author]
- 2976 reads
Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy: a Trainer's Reference Guide
This guide is a resource for trainers in developing in-service training for facility-based healthcare providers and community health workers (CHWs) who already have some basic experience with and understanding of RH/FP. This is not a training manual, but a reference guide which can be used and adapted by trainers based on whether or not trainees are facility-based or community-based. [from author]
- 2595 reads
Developing a Competency-Based Curriculum in HIV for Nursing Schools in Haiti
Preparing health workers to confront the HIV/AIDS epidemic is an urgent challenge in Haiti. There is a critical shortage of doctors, leaving nurses as the primary care providers for much of the population. Haiti’s nurses play a leading role in HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment. However, they do not receive sufficient training at the pre-service level to carry out this important work. The Ministry of Health and Population collaborated with the International Training and Education Center on HIV to create a competency-based HIV/AIDS curriculum to be integrated into the the national schools
- 3230 reads
Replicating Success: Developing a Standard FETP Curriculum
Field epidemiology training programs have been successful models to address a country’s needs for a skilled public health workforce, partly due to their responsiveness to the countries’ unique needs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has partnered with ministries of health to strengthen their workforce through customized competency-based training programs. The standard curriculum has supported the development and expansion of programs while still allowing for adaptation.
- 1775 reads
Community Problem Solving and Immunization Strategy Development: Linking Health Workers with Communities Facilitator's Guide
An immunization consultation is useful when health workers are providing immunizations in their service area, but do not work in partnership with the community to attain full coverage. A consultation is not training but rather an opportunity to step back, look at problems that lead to low coverage and design strategies that involve the community in increasing that coverage. The consultation outlined in this Facilitator’s Guide is designed to help trainers enable health workers consider ways to increase and sustain a high immunization coverage in their respective service areas.
- 2716 reads
Curriculum Innovations at Faculty of Medicine, Makerere University
This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It discusses the key features of the Problem-Based Learning/Community-Based Education and Service innovations to the health curricula at Makerere University, why they implemented these improvements and the benefits they have seen from the program.
- 3450 reads
Fostering Change in Health Services
This course will build the skills of those who are in a position to support change agents in health service delivery. The course focus is on changes in clinical practices, behavioral practices of providers, and management practices at service delivery sites. [adapted from author]
- 2702 reads
Infectious Disease Surveillance (IDS) in Tanzania
In Tanzania, the PHRplus project developed and tested a set of training materials and tools designed to strengthen the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) system. All of the tools were implemented in twelve project districts in eight regions of the country. The tools can be adapted for use in other countries and include job aids for district training of trainers, facility training of trainers, district and facility level IDSR training materials and other supporting training tools. [adapted from publisher]
- 5546 reads
Training Modules for the Syndromic Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections
This guide is intended for people responsible for in-service training at any first-level health facility dedicated to the care of persons with sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It aims to equip the user with the skills and information needed to train all relevant clinicians and service providers in the management of persons with STIs, including syndromic management. It also suggests a number of ways the training could be adapted to respond best to local needs. It provides practical advice and information to help you plan and execute the training and assess outcomes effectively
- 4059 reads
Training of Trainers Module: Women's Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle and in the Context of HIV and AIDS
This module is intended to equip instructors with basic theory to train health workers in a life cycle approach to women’s nutrition. Women’s nutrition and care in the context of HIV and AIDS is integrated into the module. Health workers will apply the knowledge and skills in negotiation and interpersonal communication to help mothers and caregivers care for their own nutritional needs and feed their infants and young children optimally. [publisher’s description]
- 3082 reads
Reviewing and Revising a Training Course
This tool provides a process for periodically reviewing and revising training sessions or courses in a systematic manner. [author’s description]
- 1995 reads
Reproductive Health Training for Primary Providers: A SourceBook for Curriculum Development
This modular training resource intended to help trainers integrate aspects of reproductive health (RH) into training curricula.
- 3405 reads
Sexual and Reproductive Health for HIV-Positive Women and Adolescent Girls: Manual for Trainers and Programme Managers
The goal of this training is to enable health workers to address the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of HIV-positive women and adolescent girls by offering comprehensive SRH services within their own particular service-delivery setting. [from introduction]
- 2789 reads
Reproductive Health Manual for Trainers of Community Health Workers
This manual was developed to help organizations who provide reproductive health services through the community-based distribution approach to train their community health workers in reproductive health.
- 7528 reads
Gender Sensitivity Assessment Tool for FP/RH Curricula
A tool designed to help program and training managers, curriculum designers and trainers facilitate the operationalization and assessment of gender sensitivity during pre- and in-service training of service providers.
- 3893 reads
Postpartum and Newborn Care: a Self-Study Manual for Trainers of Traditional Birth Attendants and Other Community-Level Maternal and Child Health Workers
The purpose of this self-study manual is to provide accurate and accessible information on postpartum and newborn care to trainers of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) and other community-level Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Workers.* The information can be integrated into existing training curricula and materials or it can be adapted into additional units for an ongoing program of instruction for TBAs. [from introduction]
- 9511 reads
Training Curriculum in Interpersonal Communication, Referral and Follow-up Process, and Selected Practices in Infection Prevention and Control
This training curriculum is a guide to assist trainers in improving health care by training health professionals in: interpersonal communication in information, education, and counseling; referral and follow up processes; and infection prevention and control practices. Materials in this document are designed for training service providers who work at a variety of health facilities in Iraq. The curriculum can be used to train health professionals including physicians, nurses, midwives and other health workers in group training or, with adaptation, as a basis for individualized or self-directed learning. [author’s description]
- 4083 reads
Community Home-Based Care for People and Communities Affected by HIV/AIDS: Training Course and Handbook for Community Health Workers
This pre-tested and peer-reviewed curriculum focuses on the knowledge and skills necessary for providing holistic CHBC for people living with HIV/AIDS, transferring knowledge and skills to caregivers and CHBC clients, and mobilizing communities around HIV/AIDS prevention, care, treatment, and support. The trainer’s guide includes comprehensive units that cover topics from HIV basics, communication skills, nursing care, nutrition, positive living, family planning, HIV prevention, ART, to community mobilization.
- 8236 reads
Framework Guidelines for Addressing Workplace Violence in the Health Sector: the Training Manual
This training manual is a complement to the Framework Guidelines for Addressing Workplace Violence in the Health Sector. It is a practical, user-friendly tool that builds on the policy approach of the guidelines. Representatives of governments, employers and workers would be well served to use the manual in training situations, so as to encourage social dialogue among health sector stakeholders and develop, in consultation, approaches to address violence in the workplace. [adapted from introduction]
- 3791 reads
Training Methods and Continuing Education for Health Workers
This course in Training Methods and Continuing Education for Health Workers identifies the role of training and continuing education as an important component of health service and personnel management. Participants will be guided through the steps of planning training and continuing education activities for a range of health workers from managers to village volunteers. The course draws on real life examples from community-directed onchocerciasis control, village health worker programs, and patent medicine vendor training programs, to name a few. [publisher’s description]
- 4417 reads
District Health Management Team Training Modules
This publication is an effort to respond to the different needs for capacity building in management and implementation of health programmes and delivery of essential services. It reflects the thinking acquired from experience working with health sector reforms being implemented in the African Region. The District Health Management Training modules cover the principles that are applicable across the Region and are meant to guide and strengthen the management capacity of district health management teams. [author’s description]
- 18951 reads
Client-Centered Approach to Reproductive Health: a Trainer's Manual
This manual provides useful information to help the trainer conduct a training program in the client-centered approach to reproductive health. In addition to the modules covering the step-by-step activities that will help participants master different concepts, the information presented ranges from a practical listing of the tools required to short presentations on topics that the trainer will want to be familiar with during the training. [from introduction]
- 11551 reads
Health Worker Education and Training: Selected Resources
Stronger pre-service education and in-service training systems for health workers are essential to meet the increasing need for quality services. To support efforts to improve health worker education and training systems, the Capacity Project has assembled a collection of resources that can be used for reference and adaptation. While the Capacity Project does not endorse any particular document or approach represented in these resources, they were selected by Project staff with expertise in the content areas. [author’s description]
- 11133 reads
Reducing Stigma and Discrimination Related to HIV and AIDS: Training for Health Care Workers
Discrimination against people living with HIV or AIDS results in poor quality of care for those who are infected or ill (or suspected of being infected), frightens away potential clients in need of care, and undermines effective HIV prevention efforts by limiting individuals’ access to and use of health care services. As HIV treatment programs become increasingly available in resource-poor countries, access to and use of these lifesaving services will depend on the degree to which health facilities welcome and respect the rights of HIV-positive clients. To address these serious issues, EngenderHealth has developed Reducing Stigma and Discrimination Related to HIV and AIDS: Training for Health Care Workers, a two-volume curriculum offering a unique training opportunity for health workers in countries hardest hit by the AIDS pandemic. The curriculum consists of a participant’s handbook and a trainer’s manual. [publisher’s description]
- 13150 reads