Help Wanted: Problems in Health Workforce Globalization
This presentation addresses health workforce supply and distribution issues and stakeholders, as well as the consequences of inaction in resolving these issues.
- 2334 reads
Nurses in the Workplace: Expectations and Needs
This presentation provides the detailed findings of a global survey undertaken to provide a better understanding of challenges, opportunities and viewpoints in the field of nursing.
- 4101 reads
Migration of Health Care Providers: Using the Diaspora to Strengthen Health Workforce Capacity
This presentation from the 2004 Seminar on Health and Migration details the effects of the international migration of Ghanian healthcare workers and the impact the Diaspora could have on the problem.
- 2046 reads
Using Bilateral Arrangements to Manage Migration of Health Care Workers: the Case of South Africa and the United Kingdom
This presentation from the 2004 Seminar on Health and Migration details factors contributing to international migration of healthcare workers and strategies to counter this trend.
- 1839 reads
Community Defined Quality (CDQ): Creating Partnerships for Improving Quality
This presentation outlines a methodology to improve quality and accessibility of health care with greater involvement of the community in defining, implementing and monitoring the quality improvement process.
- 6116 reads
New Strategies for Supervision
This presentation outlines a new vision of supportive supervision that is an ongoing process, forges relationships within the system and reinforces quality outcomes at all levels. [adapted from author]
- 2426 reads
Quick Investigation of Quality (QIQ)
This presentation discusses the QIQ method of evaluating the quality of service delivery and provider performance.
- 2945 reads
Migration of Health Professionals from Ghana: Which Trainees are more Prone to Leave?
This presentation provides the results of studies designed to ascertain which Ghanaian trainee health professionals are more likely to emigrate, as well as the rationale for these choices. It also attempts to identify potential areas for policy intervention in order to moderate the benefits and costs of both the long-term and short-term impact of this situation.
- 2268 reads
Joining the Bandwagon: Emigration Expectation Among Trainee Health Personnel in Ghana
This presentation chronicles the emigration patterns of Ghanaian health professionals and the effects on that country's own health services. There is a specific focus on the emigration expectations of Ghanaian trainee health personnel, as well as offering suggestions for potential methods for addressing the situation.
- 2111 reads
Impact of Rich Countries Policies on Poverty in LDCs: the Case of Migrant Nurses from Ghana
This presentation offers the findings of a study assessing how policies in richer countries impact least-developed countries, specifically regarding skilled labour migration.
- 2046 reads
Losing out Twice? Skill Wastage of Overseas Health Professionals in the UK
This presentation details issues surrounding the recruitment and utilization of foreign health professionals in the UK.
- 1734 reads
Human Resources for Health: Ignorance-Based Policy Trends
This presentation covers trends in the out-migration of health professionals as well as the impact on HRH.
- 1688 reads
Supply Side: Training to Work at Home
This presentation describes perspectives on the out-migration of health professionals in Africa.
- 4189 reads
Producing the “World-Class” Nurse: the Philippine System of Nursing Education and Supply
This presentation offers the results of a study examining organizational and institutional perspectives on international labor migration, as well as a case study on nurse migration and recruitment from the Philippines to the U.S.
- 3724 reads
Going Global? The Regulation of Nurse Migration in the UK
This presentation addresses issues pertaining to nurse migration in the UK including trends, patterns and the impact of soft regulation.
- 2465 reads
Migrant Care Workers in the UK Labor market
This presentation explores the primary characteristics of the migrant labor force in the UK healthcare sector, including the implications for policies regulating migration and the care sector.
- 1759 reads
International Migration of Health Professionals: New Evidence and Recent Trends
This presentation describes the findings of the Health Workforce and Migration project and their implications. It includes information on recent trends and policies, as well as new evidence on the stock of foreign-born health professionals and nurses in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
- 1848 reads
Impacts of Expert Systems on Health Care: Economic Considerations
This presentation describes the potential effects of using telemedicine to provide relevant medical knowledge in order to assist physicians in patient care.
- 4250 reads
Training and Mobility of Nurses: the Bangladesh Case
This presentation was part of the Mobility, Training and Supply of Health Workers Worshop. It discusses the state of nurse training and mobility and the policy considerations in Bangladesh.
- 2322 reads
Guideline for Regional HRH Country Strategic Planning
This presentation covers the proces of developing a regional guideline for country strategic planning, results from a situational analysis, a draft regional guideline and the next steps. [adapted from author]
- 2290 reads
HRH Situational Analysis
This presentation provdes users with a process for accomplishing an HRH situation analysis by identifying key information and through familiarization with analytical models to identify problems.
- 2176 reads
Manpower Crisis in Health Care in Ethiopia
This presentation covers the state of the health workforce in Ethiopia and defines the crisis in health worker coverage including numerous charts and staistics that track the decline in the number of doctors.
- 3350 reads
Health Worker Retention and the Kampala Declaration
This presentation outlines the work on retention, incentives and positive practice environments as it relates to the Kampala Declaration.
- 4284 reads
Evaluating and Designing Policy Options for Rural Retention: Some Insights from Niger
This presentation discusses an ineffective incentives effort to retain rural health workers and suggestions for more useful interventions.
- 2032 reads
Health Workforce Challenges in Romania
This presentation outlines the main issues surrounding the health workforce in Romania and describes the effects of primary health care reforms.
- 2906 reads
Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE): a Methodology for Eliciting Health Workers' Preferences
This presentation outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the DCE, an increasingly popular methodology for eliciting health worker preferences regarding rural jobs. [adapted from author]
- 4117 reads
Increasing Access to Health Workers in Remote and Rural Areas through Improved Retention
This presentation reviews the current state of health worker retention in rural areas, discusses interventions aimed at addressing the problem and describes the challenges and directions for solving it.
- 4279 reads
WHO Programme on Increasing Access to Health Workers in Remote and Rural Areas through Improved Retention
This presentation outlines the World Health Organization’s (WHO) efforts to scale up health care delivery in rural areas through health care worker retention programs.
- 1931 reads
Using Non-State Providers to Meet Public Health Goals in Fragile States: Can They Fill the Gap?
This presentation was from the “Health Service Delivery in Fragile States for US$ 5 perperson per year: Myth or Reality?” conference. It discusses the limited public sector capacity to deliver priority services in fragile states and the opportunities and challenges of using non-state providers to increase coverage. [adapted from author]
- 7525 reads
TTR Plan and Measures to Protect Health Workers
This presentation covers the World Health Organization’s Treat, Train and Retain activities in terms of the key elements for health worker safety and protection. [adapted from author]
- 14355 reads