East Asia & Pacific
Workforce Data Tables
These data tables provide detailed information on the health workforce in Australia including data on workers from: health and community services, medical labor force, nursing and midwifery, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry and psychology. [from publisher]
- 1529 reads
Need for Continual Education about Disaster Medicine for Health Professionals in China: a Pilot Study
Disaster medicine training is not included in medical education curriculum in China, even though the country has suffered various disasters annually. This article intended to assess the need for continual education regarding disaster management for health professionals in China.
- 22042 reads
Pacific Code of Practice for Recruitment of Health Workers and Compendium
This code provides guidelines for an ethical approach to the international recruitment of health workers in a manner that takes into account the potential impact of such recruitment on health services in the source country and it seeks to safeguard the rights of recruits, and the conditions relating to their profession in the recruiting countries. [from author]
- 2135 reads
Decentralization of the Provision of Health Services to People Living with HIV/AIDS in Rural China: the Case of Three Counties
This study assesses the new decentralized service provision system for people living with HIV/AIDS in rural populations in China. [from abstract]
- 4192 reads
Recent Changes in Human Resources for Health at the District Level in Indonesia: Evidence from Three Districts in Java
This study reportw changes between 2006 and 2008 in numbers and employment status of health staff in three districts of Indonesia following the central government decision to offer doctors, nurses and midwives on contract the chance to convert to permanent civil service status. [adapted from abstract]
- 1369 reads
Following the Funding Trail: Financing, Nurses and Teamwork in Australian General Practice
This paper begins with a review of general practice financing in Australia, and how nurses are currently funded. We then examine the influence on funding structures on the role of the nurse. We set out three dilemmas for policymakers in this area: lack of an evidence base for incentives, possible untoward impacts on interdisciplinary functioning, and the substitution/enhancement debate. [from abstract]
- 2492 reads
My Work as a Midwife
This 2:21 video introduces Ade Yanarsih’s work and challenges as a local health worker and community midwife in Kampung Cirendeng, Indonesia.
- 1269 reads
Human Resources for Health in Southeast Asia: Shortages, Distributional Challenges, and International Trade in Health Services
This article considers the shortage and maldistribution of health personnel in countries in southeast Asia in the context of international trade in health services. It analyzes the situation and identifies factors contributing to shortages and maldistribution in many countries in the region. The effect of trade in health services on the health workforce is discussed. [from introduction]
- 2872 reads
Beyond 50: Challenges at Work for Older Nurses and Allied Health Workers in Rural Australia: a Thematic Analysis of Focus Group Discussions
The purpose of this research was to identify aspects of work that have become more difficult for rural health workers as they have become older; and the age-related changes and exacerbating factors that contribute to these difficulties. Findings will support efforts to make workplaces more user-friendly for older health workers. [from abstract]
- 1464 reads
Social and Cultural Dimensions of Hygiene in Cambodian Health Care Facilities
This report provides some insights on the social and cultural factors that shape hygiene practices in Cambodian health care settings that need to be considered when designing interventions to improve infection control practices. [adapted from abstract]
- 4556 reads
Towards a Comprehensive Approach to Enhancing the Performance of Health Workers in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at Community Level: Learning from Experiences in the Asia and Pacific Regions
This discussion paper presents a comprehensive approach to the assessment of individual health worker, team and HRH management performance in the context of health system strengthening and the achievement of Millennium Development Goal 5. It provides examples of lessons learned in the planning, implementation and evaluation of HRH interventions in maternal, neonatal and reproductive health at the community level in the Asia and Pacific regions and considerations for enhanced performance in this area. [from introduction]
- 1433 reads
Improving the Quality of HRH Information: a Focus on the Providers of Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health Care and Services at Community Level in Selected Asia and Pacific Countries
Despite the importance of accurate information about health service personnel and the context in which they practise, little is known about providers at the community level. The purpose of this discussion paper is to describe information flows and gaps concerning the workforce that provide maternal, neonatal and reproductive health care and services at community level; discuss potential stakeholders’ HRH information needs and uses; and provide recommendations for improving the availability, quality and use of HRH information. [from introduction]
- 4853 reads
Improving the Health Care Response to Gender-Based Violence: Project Evaluation Report
This study investigated the change of awareness and perception towards gender-based violence (GBV) following a training project in Vietnam designed to educate health workers on the issues; evaluated changes in practice in integrating screening and treatment of GBV victims into medical and reproductive health services; and solicited recommendations from health staff about future GBV interventions. [adapted from author]
- 19904 reads
Health Research for Development Initiative in Vietnam (HRDI) Impact Evaluation Results
The HRDI project involves the collaboration of three institutions for the purpose of mobilizing the growing supply of health professionals well-trained in research, first to sustain their professional skills and development and second, to apply their skills to advance health and development in Viet Nam as effectively as possible.This report evaluates the impact of the Health (HRDI) project. [from introduction]
- 1743 reads
Assessment of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Malaria by Village Health Volunteers in the Lao PDR
This article assesses the effectiveness of village health volunteers in performing early diagnosis and treatment to reduce the burden of malaria in Loa PDR. [adapted from abstract]
- 2387 reads
How Can General Practitioners Establish 'Place Attachement' in Australia's Northern Territory? Adjustment Trumps Adaptation
Retention of GPs in the more remote parts of Australia remains an important issue in workforce planning. The Northern Territory of Australia experiences very high rates of staff turnover. This research examined how the process of forming place attachment between GP and practice location might influence prospects for retention. [from abstract]
- 1363 reads
Measuring Health Workforce Inequalities: Methods and Application to China and India
This study proposes methods for measuring inequalities in the distribution of health workers in a country by adapting techniques from the economics literature on income inequality to the measurement of health workforce distribution across geographical units. [from summary]
- 4547 reads
Overseas Trained Nurses Working in Regional and Rural Practice Settings: Do We Understand the Issues?
This review explored the contemporary understandings of the employment of overseas trained nurses in Australian regional and rural practice settings. [from abstract]
- 1705 reads
Infection Control and the Burden of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease in Health Care Workers in China: a Cross-Sectional Study
Hospitals with inadequate infection control are risky environments for the emergence and transmission of tuberculosis (TB). This study evaluated TB infection control practices, and the prevalence of latent TB infection and TB disease and risk factors in health care workers in TB centers in Henan province in China. [from abstract]
- 1883 reads
Maternal Health Care Professionals' Perspectives on the Provision and Use of Antenatal and Delivery Care: a Qualitative and Descriptive Study in Rural Vietnam
This qualitative descriptive study explored the perspectives and experiences of midwives, assistant physicians and medical doctors on the content and quality of maternal health care in rural Vietnam. [from abstract]
- 1530 reads
Multi-University Evaluation of the Rural Clinical School Experience of Australian Medical Students
Medical students have been attending rural clinical schools (RCSs) since 2001. Although there have been generally positive single institution reports, there has been no multi-institution study using a common survey instrument. The experiences of medical students who attended a number of RCSs during 2006 were evaluated using a rural-specific questionnaire. [from abstract]
- 1122 reads
Exploring the Impact of Mentoring Functions on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of New Staff Nurses
This research aimed at examining the effects of mentoring functions on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of new nurses in Taiwan’s hospitals.
- 3172 reads
Mapping Human Resources for Health Profiles from 15 Pacific Island Countries
This report summarizes a a rapid mapping of HRH resources in Pacific Island countries to generate baseline data on the current HRH situation in the region, information on in-country and external education institutions involved in HRH development, and data on external partners providing HRH-related assistance. [adapted from summary]
- 5482 reads
Assessment of the Health Management Information Systems in Select Areas of Aceh Province
This assessment evaluates a health service mangement systems project undertaken in the Aceh province after the 2004 earthquakea and tsunami. The project implemented information systems for hospitals and primary care, and this evaluation details the lessons learned and challenges from health workers as well as the short term impact the systems have had on health service delivery processes.
- 2146 reads
Impact Evaluation of a Young Medical Volunteers Project for Vietnam Rural Mountain
This study evaluates the health impacts of a volunteer intervention addressing health worker shortage in remote mountainous communities of Vietnam. [from abstract]
- 2026 reads
Transfer of Learning to the Nursing Clinical Practice Setting
The aim of this project was to identify if there is a link between what nursing students learn in simulated clinical laboratory sessions and what they experience during their clinical placements. [from abstract]
- 2001 reads
Retirement Intentions of Dentists in New South Wales, Australia
Predictions on the growing shortage of the ageing Australian dental workfoce are based on the retirement trends of previous generations. This study attempts to determine the retirement intentions of today’s older dentists. [adapted from abstract]
- 1329 reads
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Outpatient Workload at Chinese Health Centers
Although the community health service system is now established in China, the utilisation of the community health service institutions is low due to the lack of a gate-keeping role of the primary health service providers and referrals among the three-tiered health service institutions. This study focuses on the question of how to increase the utilisation of Chinese community health centres. [from abstract]
- 1375 reads
Job Satisfaction and Its Modeling among Township Health Center Employees: A Quantitative Study in Poor Rural China
The purpose of this study was to measure job satisfaction level of township health centers employees in poor rural China and to identify relevant features in order to provide policy advice on human resource development of health service institutions in poor regions.
- 1910 reads
Realignment of Incentives for Health-Care Providers in China
This review shows how lessons that have been learned from international experiences have been improved further in China by realignment of the incentives for providers towards prevention and primary care, and incorporation of a treatment protocol for hospital services. [from summary]
- 2000 reads