Browse by Geographic Focus
Absenteeism of Health Care Providers in Machakos District, Kenya
This policy brief highlights results from unannounced visits made to a sample of public health facilities in Machakos District with the intention of documenting the proportion of critical health care workers who were absent from their stations of operation. It also presents policy options to address the problem of absenteeism of critical health providers in the health sector. [from author]
- 9639 reads
National Interprofessional Competency Framework
This document describes an approach to developing competencies that can guide interprofessional education and collaborative practice for all professions in a variety of contexts and is the first attempt to develop a Canadian model of interprofessional competencies that is applicable to all health professions. [from author]
- 3773 reads
Nursing Human Resources in Kenya: Case Study
This report aims to outline the composition of the nursing workforce in Kenya, including recent trends and dynamics, and describes the involvement of stakeholders, both within and beyond Kenya, in the development of nursing and the nursing workforce. [from summary]
- 4614 reads
Determinants of Satisfaction with Health Care Provider Interactions at Health Centres in Central Ethiopia: a Cross Sectional Study
This study aimed to assess patient satisfaction with health care provider interactions and its influencing factors among out-patients at health centers in West Shoa, Central Ethiopia. [from abstract]
- 2315 reads
Human Resource Development in Health: System for the Development of Competencies in Peru
To confront the common problems in the management and development of human resources for health, the ministry has created policy guidelines for HRH and is defining the competency profiles of health personnel at different levels. This document outlines the process and lessons learned. [adapted from author]
- 1967 reads
Community Case Management Improves Use of Treatment for Childhood Diarrhea, Malaria and Pneumonia in a Remote District of Ethiopia
Ethiopia’s health extension workers (HEW) deliver preventive interventions and treat childhood diarrhea and malaria, but not pneumonia. Most of Ethiopia’s annual estimated 4 million childhood pneumonia cases go untreated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of volunteers in providing community case management for diarrhea, fever and pneumonia in a pre-HEW setting in Ethipia. [adapted from abstract]
- 3298 reads
Traditional Healers as Caregivers to HIV/AIDS Clients and Other Terminally Challenged Persons in Kanye Community Home-Based Care Programme (CHBC), Botswana
This article aims at evaluating the traditional healers’ contribution as providers of care to HIV/AIDS patients and other chronically ill persons. [from abstract]
- 14103 reads
Measuring HIV Stigma for PLHAs and Nurses Over Time in Five African Countries
The aim of this article is to document the levels of HIV stigma reported by persons living with HIV infections and nurses in Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland and Tanzania. HIV stigma has been shown to negatively affect the quality of life for people living with HIV infection, their adherence to medication, and their access to care. Few studies have documented HIV stigma by association as experienced by nurses or other health care workers who care for people living with HIV infection. [from abstract]
- 2691 reads
Supervision of Community Peer Counsellors for Infant Feeding in South Africa: an Exploratory Qualitative Study
This qualitative paper reports on the experience of three community health worker (CHW) supervisors who were responsible for supporting infant feeding peer counsellors. The findings highlight the complexities of supervising and supporting CHWs. [adapted from abstract]
- 4835 reads
Realignment of Incentives for Health-Care Providers in China
This review shows how lessons that have been learned from international experiences have been improved further in China by realignment of the incentives for providers towards prevention and primary care, and incorporation of a treatment protocol for hospital services. [from summary]
- 2000 reads
Effectiveness of Community Based Safe Motherhood Promoters in Improving the Utilization of Obstetric Care: the Case of Mtwara Rural District in Tanzania
Ensuring skilled attendant at birth is acknowledged as one of the most effective interventions to reduce maternal deaths. Exploring the potential of community-based interventions in increasing the utilization of obstetric care, the study aimed at developing, testing and assesses a community-based safe motherhood intervention in Mtwara rural District of Tanzania. [from abstract]
- 2871 reads
Scaling Up Community-Based Service Delivery of Implanon: the Integrated Family Health Program's Experience Training Health Extension Workers
This report outlines a training program for health extension workers in long-acting family planning methods in Ethiopia.
- 3195 reads
Private Pharmacists: the Missing Link in TB Control
India has the highest incidence of tuberculosis (TB) in the world. The Government’s TB programme uses Directly Observed Treatment Short course to supervise patients’ treatment. However an estimated 40-50 per cent of TB treatment is accessed through private pharmacists. A challenge is to engage these pharmacists in TB control. [from author]
- 2053 reads
WISN: a Workforce Planning Tool with Unexpected Motivational Benefits
In Indonesia, a bottom-up workforce planning tool used with health workers directly has changed practice, realigned health workers’ roles, and increased motivation among staff. It shows how effective empowerment can be in the workplace. Workload Indicators of Staffing Need, or WISN, is straightforward and easily applied. [from author]
- 3419 reads
Caring for the Carers: Wellness Centers for Health Care Workers and Their Families
Very few innovations look at providing services for health care workers and the creation of wellness centres is a real innovation. The centres have opened the door to improved retention practices, better health and an increased sense of being valued for African health workers, who toil daily on the front lines of the battle against HIV and AIDS, TB and other infectious diseases. [from author]
- 2202 reads
Improving Staff Retention in Ghana
In Ghana, faith-based organisations play an essential role in providing health care services, especially in rural areas. For a variety of reasons, it can be difficult to retain health care workers, putting essential services under threat. The National Catholic Health Service carried out some vital research to find out how to address the problem. [from author]
- 2317 reads
Kenya, South Africa and Thailand: a Study to Improve Human Resource Policies
A study across three countries to identify policies which would help recruit and retain health workers in rural areas revealed that there is a danger in one size fits all recommendations when it comes to designing human resource policies. Results also show that there is room for both financial and non-financial incentives in human resource interventions in developing countries. [from author]
- 5047 reads
Calculating Human Resource Need
Who will you need, when will you need them, can you afford them? This toolkit, recently developed for use in Liberia, can substantially assist the process. [from author]
- 2628 reads
Africa's Deadly Brain Drain - Malawi
Africa is in the grip of a medical crisis because its doctors are being lured away by lucrative jobs in Europe. This video reviews the situation in Malawi, which now only has one doctor for every 50,000 people. [from author]
- 2735 reads
Mbagathi Hospital Health Workers
The critical shortage of qualified health professionals, especially in the developing world, leaves patients without access to care for even the most basic health issues. In this video, created by the Health Rights Advocacy Forum (HERAF) and PHR, health workers at Mbagathi District Hospital in Kenya talk about how they rise to the challenges they face every day. [from author]
- 8076 reads
Community Pharmacy Practice in India: Past, Present and Future
Today, community pharmacists play an important role in any country as they take responsibility for patient’s medicine related needs for access to healthcare. This article seeks to discuss the genesis of Indian community pharmacy, the majority of which are privately owned, and sketches its education, training and future prospects. [from abstract]
- 3218 reads
High ANC Coverage and Low Skilled Attendance in a Rural Tanzanian District: a Case for Implementing a Birth Plan Intervention
This study contends that increasing coverage of skilled delivery care and achieving the full implementation of Tanzania’s Focused Antenatal Care Package in Ngorongoro depends upon improved training and monitoring of health care providers, and greater family participation in antenatal care visits. [adapted from abstract]
- 2910 reads
Using Standardized Patients to Assess Communication Skills in Medical and Nursing Students
A number of recent developments in medical and nursing education have highlighted the importance of communication and consultation skills (CCS). Although such skills are taught in all medical and nursing undergraduate curriculums, there is no comprehensive screening or assessment programme of CCS. This study was designed to test the content, process and acceptability of a screening programme in CCS with Irish medical and nursing students. [adapted from abstract]
- 7412 reads
Building Capacity in Health Facility Management: Guiding Principles for Skills Transfer in Liberia
This article describes a health management delivery program in which north and south institutions collaborated to integrate classroom and field-based training in health management and to transfer the capacity for sustaining management development in Liberia. [adapted from abstract]
- 2994 reads
Midwifery Tutors' Capacity and Willingness to Teach Contraception, Post-Abortion Care, and Legal Pregnancy Termination in Ghana
Gaps in the midwifery tutors’ knowledge on comprehensive abortion care (CAC) have resulted in most midwives in Ghana not knowing the legal indications under which safe abortion care can be provided, and lacking the skills and competencies for CAC services. The aim of this study is to assess the capacity and willingness of midwifery tutors to teach contraception, post abortion care and legal termination in Ghana. [from abstract]
- 2207 reads
Aggression and Violence Against Health Care Workers in Germany: a Cross Sectional Retrospective Survey
The aim of this study was to examine the frequency and consequences of aggressive behaviour towards nurses and health care workers in different health sectors in Germany and to assess the need for preventive measures. [from abstract]
- 2170 reads
Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer Knowledge and Practices among Healthcare and Public Health Professionals in China: a Cross-Sectional Study
Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is the leading cause of liver disease and liver cancer and a major source of health-related discrimination in China. To better target HBV detection and prevention programs, it is necessary to assess existing HBV knowledge, educational resources, reporting, and preventive practices, particularly among those health professionals who would be responsible for implementing such programs. [from abstract]
- 2063 reads
Planejamento de recursos humanos de enfermagem: desafio para as lideranças
Propõe-se um ensaio das questões que envolvem o planejamento de recursos humanos de enfermagem na área hospitalar em nossa realidade, abordando possíveis temas para futuras pesquisas. Traça-se uma retrospectiva da evolução das pesquisas sobre dimensionamento de pessoal no país e a incorporação de novos instrumentos para avaliação da carga de trabalho com base no grau de dependência dos pacientes e nas ações de cuidado.
- 3371 reads
Rejection of an Innovation: Health Information Management Training Materials in East Africa
This paper reports on a research study to investigate the introduction of new information management strategies intended to promote an informational approach to management at the operational health service level in low-income countries. It aims to understand the process taking place when externally developed training materials, which are intended to strengthen health management information systems, are introduced to potential users in an east African country. [from author]
- 2348 reads
Course of Specialization in Public Health in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 1926 to 2006: Lessons and Challenges
In this article we analyse Brazil’s 80 year old public health course via its history, disciplines, organization and characteristics of the student body in order to gain an insight into the development of public health in Brazil and to highlight the progress of education for professionals in this field. [adapted from author]
- 1243 reads