Counseling and Testing
Integrating Family Planning and VCT Services in Ethiopia: Experiences of Health Care Providers
This study was undertaken primarily to understand what effect the efforts to integrate family planning and VCT services in health facilities had on health care providers’ work and service delivery practices in two regions of Ethiopia. [from summary]
- 3442 reads
Stigma and Discrimination in HIV Counseling and Testing Services in the Private Health Sector in Guatemala: A Qualitative Study
This document discusses the outcomes of a qualitative study to describe the knowledge and practices of private clinic and laboratory service providers regarding HIV and HIV counseling and testing.
The study also identifies the characteristics of the stigma that private service providers place on female sex workers, men who have sex with men, people living with HIV/AIDS and describes the experiences of these groups regarding private counseling and testing services. [adapted from executive summary]
- 2828 reads
Task-Shifting HIV Counseling and Testing Services in Zambia: the Role of Lay Counselors
The Zambia Prevention, Care and Treatment Partnership began training and placing community volunteers as lay counsellors in order to complement the efforts of the health care workers in providing HIV counselling and testing services. These volunteers are trained using the standard national counselling and testing curriculum. This study was conducted to review the effectiveness of lay counsellors in addressing staff shortages and the provision of HIV counselling and testing services. [from abstract]
- 5686 reads
Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus: a Toolkit for Family Planning Service Providers Working in High HIV/STI Prevalence Settings
This toolkit is an interactive, client-friendly approach for improving counseling on family planning and prevention, detection, and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV. It includes a training of trainers guide that supervisors and others can use to train health care facility directors and service providers on how to use the BCS+ for counseling family planning clients. [from publisher]
- 4149 reads
Evaluation of Uptake and Attitude to Voluntary Counseling and Testing among Health Care Professional Students in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania
Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) is a cornerstone for successful implementation of prevention, care and support services among HIV negative and positive individuals. VCT is also perceived to be an effective strategy in risk reduction among sexually active young people. This study aimed to assess the acceptability of VCT and its actual uptake among young health care professional students. [adapted from abstract]
- 2260 reads
Effectiveness of a Training-of-Trainers Model in a HIV Counseling and Testing Program in the Caribbean Region
This study evaluates the effectiveness and sustainability of a voluntary counseling and testing training program based on a training-of-trainers model. [adapted from abstract]
- 2814 reads
Feasibility, Acceptability, Effect and Cost of Integrating Counseling and Testing for HIV within Family Planning Services in Kenya
This document summarizes a project to design, implement and compare two models of integrating CT for HIV within FP services in 23 health facilities in Kenya in terms of their feasibility, acceptability, cost and effect on the voluntary use of CT, as well as the quality of FP services. [adapted from summary]
- 2209 reads
Better Service for the Client and the Community: Strengthening HIV Training in Belize
Leaders of the University of Belize’s Faculty of Nursing and Allied Health had a vision. Their country has the third highest HIV prevalence in the region, after Haiti and Guyana, yet it lacked an effective system for training providers in counseling and testing. As faculty members, they dreamed of establishing a national training center that would provide the latest resources and trainings for both students and providers. [from author]
- 2392 reads
Kenya Health Workers Survey 2005
This survey is the first attempt to examine the preparedness of the health
system to implement guidelines for HIV testing in clinical settings, and to provide comprehensive AIDS management. This includes availing HIV testing in clinical settings to both adult and pediatric patients, and providing treatment for HIV disease. The survey also examines the working environment in health care facilities, with an emphasis on HIV infection control and access to post-exposure prophylaxis for health workers themselves. [from foreword]
- 2475 reads
Integrating Family Planning Services into Voluntary Counseling and Testing Centers in Kenya: Operations Research Results
Providing contraceptive services at VCT centers is an opportunity to prevent unintended pregnancies among clients whose needs may not be met through traditional family planning services. Operations research in Kenya suggests that integrating family planning into VCT services is feasible and acceptable. An integration intervention improved providers’ discussions about fertility desires and contraceptive methods with clients, without compromising the length of client-provider interaction or client waiting time.
- 5297 reads
Strategy for the Rapid Start-Up of the HIV/AIDS Program in Namibia: Outsourcing the Recruitment and Management of Human Resources for Health
In response to the HIV/AIDS crisis, Namibia’s public health sector is carrying out a comprehensive strategy to rapidly hire and deploy professional and non-professional health workers with the aim of providing comprehensive care, counseling and testing, as well as antiretroviral therapy (ART) and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT). [from executive summary]
- 27402 reads
Integrating FP Services in VCT and PMTCT Sites: the Experience of Pathfinder International-Ethiopia in the Amhara Region
To maximize program impact with current resources, integration of Family Planning into existing HIV/AIDS programs is a very cost effective and an excellent point of entry. This is a study of an intervention program focused on initiating and also strengthening existing integration of FP into functional VCT, ART and PMTCT sites. The intervention encompassed an orientation on integration benefits to heads of health facilities; identification of challenges of integration and drawing of plan of action on how to overcome the challenges and improve integration.
- 16845 reads
Scaling Up Antiretroviral Treatment in the Public Sector in Nigeria: A Comprehensive Analysis of Resource Requirements
This report presents estimates of the total cost of providing comprehensive antiretroviral (ARV) treatment in the public sector in Nigeria, using the AIDSTREATCOST model to estimate the cost of providing Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART), Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VDT), and Opportunistic Infection (OI) treatment, and other resource requirements for implementing the national antiretroviral (ARV) treatment program
- 17531 reads
Uptake of Workplace HIV Counselling and Testing: A Cluster-Randomised Trial in Zimbabwe
HIV counselling and testing is a key component of both HIV care and HIV prevention, but uptake is currently low. We investigated the impact of rapid HIV testing at the workplace on uptake of voluntary counselling and testing (VCT). [author’s description]
- 3294 reads
Integrating TB and HIV Care in Mozambique: Lessons from an HIV Clinic in Beira
In Mozambique, [Health Alliance International] HAI has been working closely with the MOH for more than fifteen years to support the development and implementation of MOH programs in reproductive health, the response to HIV/AIDS, and malaria control… HAI works with the MOH to implement the nationally designed model of HIV care, and has supported the implementation of voluntary counseling and testing centers, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) PROGRAMS, and HIV treatment centers integrated into this public sector model of care. [publisher’s description]
- 2739 reads
Zambia HIV/AIDS Workforce Study: Preparing for Scale-up
This report presents the findings of a study conducted at 16 healthcare sites in Zambia offering voluntary counseling and testing (VCT), prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (P-MTCT), and antiretroviral (ARV) therapy. The study period, including design, implementation, and data analysis, was April to June 2003. The purpose of the study was to assist the Government of Zambia in determining whether it will have sufficient staff to be able to scale up VCT, P-MTCT, and ARV treatment to reach its targeted numbers of clients.
- 2588 reads