Family Planning
Performance Incentives for Improved Maternal Health: Experiences, Challenges, Lessons
This document analalyzes the effectiveness of performance incentive schemes in developing countries that comprise maternal health components, including family planning. [adapted from author]
- 1068 reads
Influence of the Service Delivery Environment on Family Planning Outcomes in Nigeria
This paper examined the association of the family planning service delivery environment with contraceptive outcomes among males and females in five states of Nigeria, including the impact of health worker training in family planning, and the effect of the provider-client interaction on uptake of modern methods. [adapted from abstract]
- 1193 reads
Kenyan Family Planning Providers Leverage Local Resources to Train Their Peers on Long-Acting and Permanent Methods
This report outlines a sustainable cascade training approach to train a subset of the doctors, nurses, and clinical officers who provide long-acting and permanent methods (LA/PM) to serve as district-level LA/PM trainers. These trainers trained other doctors, nurses, and clinical officers in their districts to offer LA/PMs.
- 1132 reads
Measuring Client Satisfaction and the Quality of Family Planning Services: A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Health Facilities in Tanzania, Kenya and Ghana
This analysis seeks to quantify differences in the quality of family planning (FP) services at public and private providers in three representative sub-Saharan African countries (Tanzania, Kenya and Ghana), to assess how these quality differentials impact upon FP clients’ satisfaction, and to suggest how quality improvements can improve contraceptive continuation rates.
- 2311 reads
Engaging Service Delivery Providers in Contraceptive Security
The purpose of this brief is to highlight the importance of service providers in contraceptive security and identify recommended entry points at various levels of the health system to strengthen the role of service providers in contraceptive security. [from author]
- 1240 reads
Making HRH the Centerpiece of Program Management and Improving Productivity: the Ethiopia Experience
This presentation is an overview of the Ethiopian experience in strengthening human resources for health as a strategic approach to integrate services and improve productivity for family planning. [from publisher]
- 1485 reads
Fostering Public-Private Partnerships to Improve Access to Family Planning in Rwanda
Through public-private partnerships, the government of Rwanda can make more efficient use of public resources by targeting and meeting the needs of specific populations and thus help ensure family planning services and products will be available to all Rwandans in the long term. This report aims to inform stakeholders working to strengthen family planning through multisectoral partnerships about Rwanda’s family market.
- 1998 reads
Community-Based Access to Injectables: an Advocacy Guide
Studies and field observations have found that community health workers (CHWs) can provide injectables safely and that community access to injectables attracts new contraceptive users. This guide is designed to assist the many health professionals and advocates who are interested in making injectable contraceptives more widely available, especially for women with little or no access to health facilities. The guide describes six steps that advocates can take to support policy change to permit CHWs to provide injectables. [from summary]
- 4857 reads
Programming for Training: a Resource Package for Trainers, Program Managers, and Supervisors of Reproductive Health and Family Planning Programs
This resource package provides an overall approach to programming for training health care providers in reproductive health and family planning as well as information, methods, and tools for designing, developing, planning, implementing, and evaluating training. It also provides tools and information for strengthening training systems. [from introduction]
- 2060 reads
Improving Health through Postpartum Home Visits, Family Planning Counseling: Scaling-Up Best Practices in Egypt
This paper shows how the Extending Service Delivery improve maternal and newborn health in Egypt’s Kaliobia Governorate by scaling-up the government’s postpartum care package in 13 villages, and training community health workers and nurses to put the package into practice. [from author]
- 2801 reads
Preservice Education Family Planning Reference Guide
This guide was developed to assist preservice health institutions in Malawi in creating, updating, or adapting the family planning content of their curricula and individual courses. Included in this document are materials that institutions and individual tutors can use to develop technically accurate and pedagogically sound lessons on family planning. [adapted from introduction]
- 2360 reads
Family Planning and HIV Services Toolkit
This toolkit is your one-stop source for evidence-based knowledge and promising practices to support the successful integration of family planning (FP) and HIV services. It summarizes the latest evidence and provides links to guidelines and tools to help you plan, manage, deliver, evaluate, and support integrated services. [adapted from publisher]
- 2022 reads
Packages of Interventions for Family Planning, Safe Abortion Care, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health
This document describes the key effective interventions organized in packages across the continuum of care through pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, newborn care and care of the child. The packages are defined for community and/or facility levels in developing countries and provide guidance on the essential components needed to assure adequacy and quality of care. [from publisher]
- 2594 reads
Scaling Up Community-Based Service Delivery of Implanon: the Integrated Family Health Program's Experience Training Health Extension Workers
This report outlines a training program for health extension workers in long-acting family planning methods in Ethiopia.
- 3193 reads
Task Shifting in Expanding the Roles of Family Planning Providers
Task shifting, allowing lower-level healthcare providers to perform some of the tasks normally reserved for higher—evel providers, has been proposed as one way to overcome the health workforce shortage. Studies consistently show that task shifting in the provision of HIV services (such as distributing antiretroviral therapy) and other areas of healthcare can increase access, improve the coverage and quality of health services, and reduce the costs of providing services. [adapted form author]
- 3023 reads
Midwifery Tutors' Capacity and Willingness to Teach Contraception, Post-Abortion Care, and Legal Pregnancy Termination in Ghana
Gaps in the midwifery tutors’ knowledge on comprehensive abortion care (CAC) have resulted in most midwives in Ghana not knowing the legal indications under which safe abortion care can be provided, and lacking the skills and competencies for CAC services. The aim of this study is to assess the capacity and willingness of midwifery tutors to teach contraception, post abortion care and legal termination in Ghana. [from abstract]
- 2207 reads
Malawi: Distribution of DMPA at the Community Level: Lessons Learned
In 2008, Malawi piloted the distribution of depo-medroxy progesterone acetate (DMPA), an injectable contraceptive, to the community by Health Surveillance Assistants. This report presents lessons learned during the initial implementation, from gaining stakeholder buy-in to curriculum development, and the initial three months after the training and implementation roll-out. [from abstract]
- 2448 reads
Final Feasibility Evaluation for No-Scalpel Vasectomy in Rwanda
In direct response to the country’s human resources for health needs, the Capacity Project helped to develop the capacity of the district hospital clinical workforce to expand access to a full range of quality family planning methods through a pilot vasectomy in-service training program for physicians and nurses at two district hospitals. [adapted from introduction]
- 2301 reads
Community-Based Distribution of Injectable Contraceptives in Malawi
This report presents research findings on the potential for making contraceptives, and in particular injectable contraceptives, widely available through using a community-based distribution approach which would expand the cadre of providers authorized to provide contraceptives to include health surveillance assistants and community-based distribution agents. [adapted from summary]
- 3169 reads
Community-Based Health Workers Can Safely and Effectively Administer Injectable Contraceptives
Because of increased demand for injectable contraception coupled with an overburdened clinical health system, countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, have recently expanded the use of non-clinic based approaches in providing this method. In this first review of the available evidence of these efforts, this consultation concluded that there is sufficient evidence to support expansion of community-based health workers providing progestin-only injectable contraceptives, especially DMPA. [from author]
- 3358 reads
Task Sharing in Family Planning
Many developing countries face strains in meeting the demands for provision of health services because of limited medical personnel. This has led to renewed interest in task sharing, also known as task shifting. A key feature of task sharing is that those with less medical or paramedical training can provide some of the same services with the same quality as those with more training. [from author]
- 2940 reads
Repositioning Family Planning: Rwanda's No-Scapel Vasectomy Program
The Capacity Project offered technical support to Rwanda’s Ministry of Health to develop the capacity of the district hospital clinical workforce in order to expand client access to a full range of quality FP methods. These included long-acting and permanent methods and vasectomy in particular. [from author]
- 2329 reads
Provision of Emergency Contraceptive Services through Paraprofessionals in India
This two-year study to assessed the usefulness and effectiveness of using paraprofessionals in educating and providing emergency contraceptive pill services to potential users. [from summary]
- 2227 reads
Integrating Family Planning and VCT Services in Ethiopia: Experiences of Health Care Providers
This study was undertaken primarily to understand what effect the efforts to integrate family planning and VCT services in health facilities had on health care providers’ work and service delivery practices in two regions of Ethiopia. [from summary]
- 3442 reads
Integrating Family Planning and HIV Services Improves Service Quality
This study tested the feasibility, acceptability, and cost of two models for integrating HIV prevention services, including counseling and testing, within established family planning programs, and evaluated their quality against the standard practice. [from author]
- 2372 reads
Senegal Private Sector Health Rapid Assessment
This report is the result of a rapid assessment conducted to better understand the current and potential market for family planning products and services in the private health sector in Senegal, as well as to provide recommendations to strengthen the private health sector. [adapted from executive summary]
- 5280 reads
Helping Cambodians Plan Their Families
This video resource shows how midwives and community volunteers are helping more Cambodian women to increase the time between births, thereby contributing to healthier pregnancies, infants and families as well as to a better chance of escaping poverty. [adapted from synopsis]
- 2081 reads
Assessment of Family Planning Services in Kenya: Evidence from the 2004 Kenya Service Provision Assessment Survey
This study focused on factors associated with the readiness of Kenyan health facilities to provide quality and appropriate care to family planning clientele; the degree to which health care providers foster informed selection of an appropriate contraceptive method; and the extent to which clients perceive services to be of high quality. [from abstract]
- 2308 reads
Starting with the Classroom: Updating Family Planning Knowledge in East Africa
To build instructors’ capacity and address the knowledge gaps, the Capacity Project partnered with East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community and Africa’s Health in 2010 to deliver a week-long workshop on Contemporary Issues in Family Planning for midwifery tutors in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. [from author]
- 2394 reads
Service Delivery-Based Training for Long-Acting Family Planning Methods: Pathfinder International in Ethiopia
Long-Acting Family Planning (LAFP) methods, provide uninterrupted protection to women for 3 to 12 years. But they must be inserted by trained providers in a safe clinical environment. With limited facilities and few providers, widespread implementation of LAFP in Ethiopia requires training of significant numbers of rural providers and developing properly equipped facilities for implant and IUCD insertions. This document describes a training program for family planning. [from author]
- 2737 reads