Workforce Assessment
Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at Community Level: A Profile of the Solomon Islands
This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in the Solomon Islands: their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice. [from summary]
- 1226 reads
Human Resources for Health in Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health at Community Level: a Profile of Fiji
This profile summarises the available information on the cadres working at community level in Fiji – their diversity, distribution, supervisory structures, education and training, as well as the policy and regulations that govern their practice. [from summary]
- 1161 reads
State of the World's Midwifery 2011: Delivering Health, Saving Lives
The report presents a body of knowledge to inform and accelerate the availability of quality midwifery services for women and newborns. It aims to make a valuable contribution both to strengthening the midwifery workforce around the world and to the critical planning that is needed to achieve the health Millennium Development Goals. [from summary]
- 1332 reads
Current Shortage and Future Surplus of Doctors: a Projection of the Future Growth of the Japanese Medical Workforce
The purpose of this research is to project the future growth of the Japanese medical doctor workforce from 2008 to 2050 and to forecast whether the proposed additional increase in the student quota will cause a doctor surplus. [from abstract]
- 1728 reads
New Insights into the Provision of Health Services in Indonesia: A Health Workforce Study
This study seeks to contribute to the government of Indonesia’s broader health system assessment by answering key health workforce questions. It examines changes in the supply and quality of health service providers and practitioners and links those changes with past and ongoing reforms. [from author]
- 1461 reads
Thailand’s Health Workforce: a Review of Challenges and Experiences
This paper provides an overview of the Thai health workforce situation and challenges, policy initiatives and programs aimed at addressing health workforce challenges, and a discussion of future challenges and key information and evidence gaps. [adapted from preface]
- 3240 reads
Human Resources for Health Implications of Scaling Up For Universal Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, and Care: Cote d’Ivoire Rapid Situational Analysis
This report presents the findings and key messages of rapid situation analysis in Cote d’Ivoire of the human resources for health implications for scaling up to universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support. [from summary]
- 1271 reads
Human Resources for Health Implications of Scaling Up For Universal Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, and Care: Ethiopia Rapid Situational Analysis
This report presents the findings and key messages of rapid situation analysis in Ethiopia of the human resources for health implications for scaling up to universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support. [from summary]
- 1215 reads
Human Resources for Health Implications of Scaling Up For Universal Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, and Care: Mozambique Rapid Situational Analysis
This report presents the findings and key messages of rapid situation analysis in Mozambique of the human resources for health implications for scaling up to universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support. [from summary]
- 1311 reads
Human Resources for Mental Health: Workforce Shortages in Low and Middle Income Countries
This report estimates the number of mental health workers required to treat mental, neurological and substance use disorders, which account for an estimated 14% of the global burden of disease. The workforce shortage is estimated based on comparing this needed number of mental health workers with the supply. [from summary]
- 1742 reads
Estimates Of Health Care Professional Shortages In Sub-Saharan Africa By 2015
This paper uses a forecasting model to estimate the need for, supply of, and shortage of doctors, nurses, and midwives in thirty-nine African countries for 2015, the target date of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. [from abstract]
- 1655 reads
Health Service Providers in Somalia: Their Readiness to Provide Malaria Case-Management
This study investigated the readiness of the public health sector to provide malaria casemanagement in Somalia, a country where there has been no functioning central government for almost two decades. [from abstract]
- 1669 reads
Human Resources for Health: an International Comparison of Health Occupations From Labour Force Survey Data
The objective of this paper was to present an international comparison of the health workforce in terms of skill mix, sociodemographics and other labour force characteristics, in order to establish an evidence base for monitoring and evaluation of human resources for health. [from abstract]
- 1390 reads
Health Workforce Crisis in Bangladesh: Shortage, Inappropriate Skill-Mix and Inequitable Distribution
This paper attempts to fill a knowledge gap in comprehensive data on human resources for health in the formal and informal sectors in Bangladesh through a nationally representative sample survey conducted in 2007. [from abstract]
- 2217 reads
Workforce Data Tables
These data tables provide detailed information on the health workforce in Australia including data on workers from: health and community services, medical labor force, nursing and midwifery, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry and psychology. [from publisher]
- 1529 reads
Human Resource Crisis in the Zambian Health Sector: a Discussion Paper
The human resource crisis facing the Zambian health sector has potential to derail existing health programs including millennium development goals. This paper will highlight the underpinning factors, analyze current interventions and propose alternative solutions to this crisis. [from abstract]
- 1822 reads
Assessment of the Health System to Support Tuberculosis and AIDS Care: a Study of Three Rural Health Districts of Burkina Faso
The report provides available data on the health workforce in Potuguese-speaking
African countries to support the responsible staff and partners in identifying the needs for intervention to improve the national and regional capacity for the development of human resources for health. [adapted from summary]
- 1269 reads
Forecasting Future Workforce Demand: a Process Evaluation
This study focuses on the implementation and evaluation of the Forecasting Future Workforce Demand Tool. It was hypothesized that implementation of the tool would enable hospitals to enter historical workforce data to create one to five-year forecasts for proactive HHR planning and strategy development. [from summary]
- 2831 reads
Exploring Health Workforce Inequalities: Case Studies from Three Countries
With the aim of arriving at a better understanding of specific dimensions of health workforce inequalities in their national contexts, three case studies are presented from Ethiopia, Brazil and Mexico. [from introduction]
- 1880 reads
Forecasting the Need for Medical Specialists in Spain: Application of a System Dynamics Model
Spain has gone from a surplus to a shortage of medical doctors in very few years. Medium and long-term planning for health professionals has become a high priority for health authorities. This study used a supply and demand-need simulation model for 43 medical specialties using system dynamics to colculate the supply and the deficit or surplus. [adapted from abstract]
- 1913 reads
Assessment of Human Resources for Pharmaceutical Services in Ghana
The development of a framework for human resource planning for the pharmaceutical secotr forms the basis for strengthening this sector. Thus the generation of evidence to support pharmaceutical human resources planning strategies is vital. This report is a preliminary assessment of the pharmaceutical workforce in Ghana. [from preface]
- 6175 reads
Assessment of the Pharmaceutical Human Resources in Tanzania and the Strategic Framework
Lack of comprehensive data on personnel in the pharmaceutical sector is a gap in national human resource for health policies in most developing countries. This study was undertaken in order to determine the total workforce providing pharmaceutical services in both the public and private sectors in Tanzania. [from summary]
- 2290 reads
Zambia Country Case Study on Positive Practice Environments (PPE): Quality Workplaces for Quality Care
This desk review has put together a situation analysis of the professional practice environment in Zambia today, bringing out a picture of unhealthy, unproductive work environments. [from summary]
- 2015 reads
Mapping Human Resources for Health Profiles from 15 Pacific Island Countries
This report summarizes a a rapid mapping of HRH resources in Pacific Island countries to generate baseline data on the current HRH situation in the region, information on in-country and external education institutions involved in HRH development, and data on external partners providing HRH-related assistance. [adapted from summary]
- 5482 reads
Assessment of Human Resources for Health: Survey Instruments and Guide to Administration
This document is intended to help countries to identify appropriate human resource interventions, by making it possible to see how the current health workforce is distributed within and between public and private sectors, areas of specialization and level of care. It is proposed that a common approach be used to collect data in a number of areas, including workforce demographics and planning, staffing distribution, remuneration of health workers and skill mix. [from author]
- 2209 reads
Nurse Labor and Education Markets in the English-Speaking CARICOM: Issues and Options for Reform
The chief objective of this research was to produce a comprehensive assessment of the nurse labor and education markets of the English-speaking Caribbean community (CARICOM). [adapted from summary]
- 2666 reads
General Practitioner Workforce Planning: Assessment of Four Policy Directions
This study uses Ireland as a case study to determine the future demand and supply of general practitioners and to assess the potential impact of several possible interventions to address future shortages. [from abstract]
- 18049 reads
Nursing Human Resources in Kenya: Case Study
This report aims to outline the composition of the nursing workforce in Kenya, including recent trends and dynamics, and describes the involvement of stakeholders, both within and beyond Kenya, in the development of nursing and the nursing workforce. [from summary]
- 4614 reads
Human Resource and Funding Constraints for Essential Surgery in District Hospitals in Africa: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Survey
While constrained health budgets and health worker shortages have been blamed for the low rates of surgery, there has been little empirical data on the providers of surgery and cost of surgical services in Africa. This study described the range of providers of surgical care and anesthesia and estimated the resources dedicated to surgery at district hospitals in three African countries. [from abstract]
- 1907 reads
Will There Be Enough People to Care? Notes on Workforce Implications of Demographic Change 2005-2050
This background paper to the World Health Report 2006 aims to calculate the workforce implications of demographic changes by projecting future health workforces for developed economies, including Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the United States of America and Canada. [from publisher]
- 1436 reads