Job Satisfaction
Exploring the Ideal Combination of Activity Satisfaction and Burden among Health Promotion Volunteers: A Cross-Sectional Study in Japan
The purposes of this study were to describe the prevalence of health promotion volunteers (HPVs) with differing levels of activity satisfaction and burden; examine the association between satisfaction and burden with activity involvement and persistence, and life satisfaction; and explore associated factors by satisfaction/burden levels among Japanese HPVs. [from abstract]
- 601 reads
Factors Associated with Job Satisfaction among Commune Health Workers: Implications for Human Resource Policies
This study measured job satisfaction and determined associated factors among health workers in 38 commune health stations in an urban district and a rural district of Hanoi, Vietnam. [from abstract]
- 883 reads
Survey of Resilience, Burnout, and Tolerance of Uncertainty in Australian General Practice Registars
The objective of this study was to measure resilience, burnout, compassion satisfaction, personal meaning in patient care and intolerance of uncertainty in Australian general practice registrars. [from abstract]
- 640 reads
Job Satisfaction among Public Health Professionals Working in Public Sector: A Cross Sectional Study from Pakistan
The objective of the study was to determine the level of and factors influencing job satisfaction among public health professionals in the public sector. [from abstract]
- 1331 reads
Going Private: A Qualitative Comparison of Medical Specialists' Job Satisfaction in the Public and Private Sectors of South Africa
This article elaborates what South African medical specialists find satisfying about working in the public and private sectors, at present, and how to better incentivize retention in the public sector. [from abstract]
- 1246 reads
Stigma, an Important Source of Dissatisfaction of Health Workers in HIV Response in Vietnam: A Qualitative Study
This study describes health worker perceptions and explores the factors that influence job satisfaction and dissatisfaction of health personnel working on the HIV response in Vietnam and confirms the relationship between stigmatization of people living with HIV (PLHIV) and stigma experienced by staff because of association with PLHIV from families, colleagues, and society. [adapted from abstract]
- 1038 reads
Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Labor, and Job Satisfaction among Physicians in Greece
This study aimed at investigating the relationships, direct and/or indirect, between emotional intelligence, the surface acting component of emotional labor, and job satisfaction in medical staff working in tertiary healthcare. [from abstract]
- 1115 reads
Our Side of the Story: A Policy Report on the Lived Experience and Opinions of Ugandan Health Workers
This research set out to explore with frontline health workers and their managers how working conditions affect attitudes, behaviour and practices. It also sought the positive side of the health worker experience. The report documents the experiences and views of 122 nursing health workers in all regions of Uganda covering government, not-for-profit and private ownership organisations. [adapted from author]
- 960 reads
Health Worker Satisfaction and Motivation: An Empirical Study of Incomes, Allowances and Working Conditions in Zambia
In this study the authors examine the relationship between health worker incomes and their satisfaction and motivation. [from abstract]
- 1237 reads
Maternal and Newborn Healthcare Providers in Rural Tanzania: In-Depth Interviews on Motivation, Performance and Job Satisfaction
This article describes an exploratory study that asked: what is understood by the term motivation; what encourages and discourages providers of maternal and newborn care in rural areas; and which factors influence their performance and job satisfaction. [adapted from author]
- 1230 reads
Rural Health Workers and Their Work Environment: The Role of Inter-Personal Factors on Job Satisfaction of Nurses in Rural Papua New Guinea
This study examined inter-personal, intra-personal and extra-personal factors that influence job satisfaction among rural primary care nurses in a low and middle income country, Papua New Guinea. [from abstract]
- 1191 reads
Effects of Midwives' Job Satisfaction on Burnout, Intention to Quit and Turnover: A Longitudinal Study in Senegal
A better understanding of how public sector midwives in Senegal are experiencing their work and how it is affecting them is needed in order to better address their needs and incite them to remain in their posts. This study aims to explore their job satisfaction and its effects on their burnout, intention to quit and professional mobility. [from abstract]
- 1372 reads
Impact of Change in a Doctor's Job Position: A Five-Year Cohort Study of Job Satisfaction among Norwegian Doctors
this prospective study explored the course of job satisfaction in a cohort of Norwegian doctors over a five-year period to determine the overall course of job satisfaction over the period, differences between job positions, and whether changes in job satisfaction was associated with a change in job position. [adapted from author]
- 1211 reads
Ugandan Health Workers Speak: The Rewards and the Realities
This report is based on the accounts of 90 Ugandan health workers at the front line. The research explored with them the rewards and the challenges, explanations for perceived poor practices and promising solutions. The interim findings focus on the rewards of being a health worker and how low pay affects them. [from introduction]
- 1452 reads
Factors Associated with Job Satisfaction among Chinese Community Health Workers: A Cross-Sectional Study
This study aims to clarify the level of job satisfaction of Chinese community health workers between a metropolitan and a small city in Liaoning province and explore its associated factors. [from abstract]
- 1581 reads
Effect of Internal Marketing on Job Satisfaction in Health Services: A Pilot Study in Public Hospitals in Northern Greece
The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of internal marketing, all the actions that an organization (i.e., health care organizations, hospitals) has to perform in order to develop, train and motivate its employees to enhance the quality of the services provided to its customers, on job satisfaction in health services - particularly in public hospitals in Northern Greece. [adapted from author]
- 1848 reads
Work Related Characteristics, Work-Home and Home-Work Interference and Burnout among Primary Healthcare Physicians: a Gender Perspective in a Serbian Context
This study examined work related characteristics, work-home and home-work interference and burnout among Serbian primary healthcare physicians and compared burnout levels with other medical doctors in European Union countries. [from abstract]
- 2501 reads
Relationship between Job Satisfaction, Burnout, and Turnover Intention among Physicians from Urban State-Owned Medical Institutions in Hubei, China: a Cross-Sectional Study
This study aimed to analyze the relationship between job satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intention, and further to determine whether occupational burnout can serve as a mediator among Chinese physicians from urban state-owned medical institutions. [from abstract]
- 2717 reads
Job Satisfaction and Motivation of Health Workers in Public and Private Sectors: Cross-Sectional Analysis from Two Indian States
The objective of this paper is to identify important aspects of health worker satisfaction and motivation in two Indian states working in public and private sectors. [from abstract]
- 2748 reads
Motivation and Job Satisfaction among Medical and Nursing Staff in a Cyprus Public General Hospital
The objective of this study was to investigate how medical and nursing staff of the Nicosia General Hospital is affected by specific motivation factors, and the association between job satisfaction and motivation; and to determine the motivational drive of socio-demographic and job related factors in terms of improving work performance. [from abstract]
- 4364 reads
Exploring the Impact of Mentoring Functions on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of New Staff Nurses
This research aimed at examining the effects of mentoring functions on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of new nurses in Taiwan’s hospitals.
- 3171 reads
Monitoring the Newly Qualified Nurses in Swede: the Longitudinal Analysis of Nursing Education (LANE) Study
The LANE study aims to longitudinally examine a wide variety of individual and work-related variables related to psychological and physical health, as well as rates of employee and occupational turnover, and professional development among nursing students in the process of becoming registered nurses and entering working life. The aim of this paper is to present the LANE study, to estimate representativeness and analyse response rates over time, and also to describe common career pathways and life transitions during the first years of working life. [adapted from abstract]
- 1959 reads
Sector Specific Components that Contribute to Positive Work Environments and Job Satisfaction for Nurses/Issues in Long-Term Care and Community Care
This study explored sector specific components that contribute to positive work environments and job satisfaction for nurses working outside of the acute care sector. Specifically, this study examined the recruitment and retention initiatives being implemented by nursing employers in the community, public health and long-term care sectors in various geographic areas of Ontario. [from summary]
- 3466 reads
Job Satisfaction and Its Modeling among Township Health Center Employees: A Quantitative Study in Poor Rural China
The purpose of this study was to measure job satisfaction level of township health centers employees in poor rural China and to identify relevant features in order to provide policy advice on human resource development of health service institutions in poor regions.
- 1909 reads
Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employement and Life (MABEL) Longitudinal Survey: Protocol and Baseline Data for a Prospective Cohort Study of Australian Doctors' Workforce Participation
While there is considerable research on medical workforce supply trends, there is little research examining the determinants of labour supply decisions for the medical workforce. The MABEL study investigates workforce participation patterns and their determinants using a longitudinal survey of Australian doctors. It aims to generate evidence to support developing effective policy responses to workforce issues such as shortages and maldistribution. This paper describes the study protocol and baseline cohort, including an analysis of response rates and response bias. [from abstract]
- 1823 reads
Health Worker Retention and Performance Initiatives: Making Better Strategic Choices
This technical brief focuses on issues around health worker motivation, job satisfaction, incentives, retention and performance. [from author]
- 3320 reads
Physicians' Working Conditions and Job Satisfaction: Does Hospital Ownership in Germany Make a Difference?
This study’s purpose is to compare how physicians, working for both public and privatized hospitals, rate their respective psychosocial working conditions and job satisfaction. [from abstract]
- 2755 reads
Effects of Job Rotation and Role Stress among Nurses on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment
The motivation for this study was to investigate how role stress among nurses could affect their job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and whether the job rotation system might encourage nurses to understand, relate to and share the vision of the organization, consequently increasing their job satisfaction and stimulating them to willingly remain in their jobs and commit themselves to the organization. [from abstract]
- 5682 reads
Is Satisfaction a Direct Predictor of Nursing Turnover? Modeling the Relationship between Satisfaction, Expressed Intention and Behaviour in a Longitudinal Cohort Study
The theory of planned behaviour states that attitudinal variables such as job satisfaction only have an indirect effect on retention whereas intentions have a direct effect. This study tests for the direct and indirect effects of job satisfaction of nurses during the 3 years after qualification. [adapted from abstract]
- 2129 reads
Medical Laboratory Sciences Graduates: Are They Satisfied at Work?
In this study, the overall job satisfaction of medical laboratory scientist graduates of one Kuwaiti University was examined in relation to the environment and organizational features of their places of employment. [from abstract]
- 2290 reads