Faith Based Organizations
Working with Faith-Based Organizations to Strengthen Human Resources for Health
This brief discusses Capacity’s experience with partnering with faith-based organizations (FBO), the critical role these organizations play in improving Africa’s health workforce and some challenges to working with FBOs.
- 2243 reads
Capacity Building: What Does It Mean? Millennium Development Goal 6: Malaria, HIV
This presentation was given as part of the Christian Health Association’s Conference: CHAs at a Crossroad Towards Achieving Health Millennium Development Goals. It provides an excellent overview of the challenges of Malaria and HIV/AIDS ; discusses the human resource needs in light of these challenges; and how to build and maintain capacity. [from author’s description]
- 31232 reads
Development of a Framework for the Development of a Benefit and Motivation Package for Rural Health Workers in Voluntary Agencies (VA) Owned Hospitals: Based on Finding in the Lake Zone
This presentation was given as part of the Christian Health Association’s Conference: CHAs at a Crossroad Towards Achieving Health Millennium Development Goals. It discusses the human resources for health situation in Tanzania in general, and specific findings from the Lake zone in terms of health workers in church health institutions. The author proposes options for a motivation package to address the issues of retention for these workers.
- 3554 reads
HR Crisis in Kenya: the Dilemma of FBOs
This presentation was given as part of the Christian Health Association’s Conference: CHAs at a Crossroad Towards Achieving Health Millennium Development Goals. It outlines FBO health services in Kenya and sources of and financial support for them. It also discusses the exodus of health workers from church health facilities, the reasons behind this migration and how this problem is being addressed.
- 3268 reads
Human Resources for Health Retention Strategies: CHAZ Response to the Human Resource Crisis in Zambia
This presentation was given as part of the Christian Health Association’s Conference: CHAs at a Crossroad Towards Achieving Health Millennium Development Goals. It discusses church health institutions and the HR crisis, including staffing levels and attrition; the national response, and details the many efforts of the CHAZ response such as the CHAZ Health Workers’ Retention Scheme.
- 7362 reads
Appreciating Assets: Mapping, Understanding, Translating and Engaging Religious Health Assets in Zambia and Lesotho
This study documents the contribution made by religion and religious entities to the struggle for health and wellbeing in Zambia and Lesotho, in a context dominated by poverty, stressed public health systems and the HIV/AIDS pandemic. By mapping and understanding these Religious Health Assets (RHAs), the study calls for a greater appreciation of the potential they have for the struggle against HIV/AIDS and for universal access and offers recommendations for action by both public health and religious leaders at all levels.
- 8475 reads
Faith-Based Response to HIV in Southern Africa: the Choose to Care Initiative
This study describes the work of the Choose to Care initiative of the Catholic Church in Southern Africa which began in 2000. It shows that effective scaling-up of programmes in the response to HIV does not necessarily have to be the expansion of a single central service. Working through the diocesan and parish system,…the Catholic Church scaled up service provision by the replication of smaller scale programmes rooted in and responsive to the needs expressed by local communities in this five-country area.
- 2716 reads
Counting the Organizational Cost of HIV/AIDS to Civil Society Organizations
HIV/AIDS mainstreaming has traditionally been equated with adjusting programs to be more relevant to beneficiaries affected by HIV/AIDS. Bitter experience is demonstrating, however, that civil society organizations (CSOs) are not immune to the impacts of AIDS within their own organizations. Few local CSOs are responding adequately to this threat, partly because they simply do not know the extent of these costs. This paper suggests how CSOs in sub-Saharan Africa can build organizational resilience in order to survive the loss of valuable staff, time and money that HIV/AIDS will cause. It also concludes with practical recommendations for their donors in how they can move beyond being concerned bystanders. [publisher’s description]
- 3287 reads
Advancing Reproductive Health and Family Planning through Religious Leaders and Faith-Based Organizations
Pathfinder has provided community-based family planning and reproductive health services to women and men throughout the developing world for over 50 years. Partnerships with local governments and Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) allow Pathfinder access into communities to provide information and services. These local organizations provide a solid, established network through which Pathfinder reaches people. Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) are a vital extension of this network. [author’s description]
- 3247 reads
Addressing the Human Resource in Health Crisis: Empowering the Private Not for Profit Health Training Institutions to Play Their Role
This presentation was part of the International Conference on Global Health session, “Answering the Call: Innovations in Human Resources by African Faith-Based Organizations.” From the perspective of the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau experience, the presentation discusses why the private not-for-profit sector is important in service provision and training; why nurses are in the midst of the human resource crisis; obastacles to increasing the training capacity; and what the PNFP health training institutions are doing to address their weaknesses. [adapted from author]
- 10964 reads
Cost Analysis of Reproductive Health Services in PCEA Chogoria Hospital, Kenya
Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) Chogoria Hospital is a faith based non-governmental organization providing a wide range of healthcare services. The organization faces a number of challenges related to sustainability: declining donor support (especially for reproductive health services), low cost recovery levels, and increasing poverty levels among its clientele. In response to these concerns, a team from Chogoria Hospital attended a one-week workshop held in Ghana on financial sustainability and developed a small scale operations research project to determine the cost of providing a selected number of reproductive health (RH) services and to evaluate their cost recovery levels.
- 3346 reads
Reaching Out, Scaling Up: Eight Case Studes of Home and Community Care for and by People with HIV/AIDS
This report focuses on HIV/AIDS home and community care projects and programs that have been able to scale up or reach out, and in doing so have brought an improved quality of life to people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS. The initiatives are widely spread geographically, with five from Africa, two from Asia, and one from Latin America. The final chapter of this report revisits some of the main lessons learned through the practices, and examines both commonalities and differences. [adapted from author]
- 2415 reads
DREAM: An Integrated Faith-Based Initiative to Treat HIV/AIDS in Mozambique
[This case study evaluates the] Drug Resources Enhancement against AIDS and Malnutrition (DREAM) program, created by the Community of Sant’Egidio to fight AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. The project takes a holistic approach, combining Highly Active Anti- Retroviral Therapy (HAART) with the treatment of malnutrition, tuberculosis, malaria, and sexually transmitted diseases. It also strongly emphasizes health education at all levels. DREAM aims to achieve its goals in line with the gold standard for HIV treatment and care. [author’s description]
- 10245 reads
Global Religious Health Assets Mapping
GRHAM is a CCIH initiative, in collaboration with numerous partners, to increase the awareness of Faith-based Organizations (FBOs) in providing essential health services around the world. GRHAM strives to put FBOs and Christian Health Associations (CHAs) “on the map” to improve networking, including collaboration with and between christian health associations, medical missions, ministries of health and multilateral donors. [from website description]
- 3894 reads
Planning, Developing and Supporting the Faith-Based Health Workforce: African Church Health Associations' Human Resources for Health Mini-Forum
The African Church Health Associations’ Human Resources for Health Mini-Forum was held to re-energize the CHA’s human resources working group. The objectives of the forum were to: expand the HRH knowledge base; help develop a critical mass of faith-based HRH advocates; clarify the “Terms of Reference” for an HRH working group and plan for sustainability and next steps; and to generate action plans for HRH practices and identify technical assistance needs. [adapted from author]
- 6752 reads
Engaging Local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the Response to HIV/AIDS
During the past few years, a number of key donor programs have scaled up their global response to the crisis of HIV and AIDS… The goal of this paper is to begin a discussion among donors, international and local NGOs, and multilateral and U.S. government representatives on how to effectively engage indigenous partners and transfer much-needed resources. [from preface]
- 4288 reads
Public Private Partnership for Equitable Provision of Quality Health Services
This report presents the findings of an independent Technical Review that focused on the promotion of Public Private Partnership for equitable provision of quality health services in Tanzania. [author’s description]
- 3395 reads
Pro-Poor Health Services: The Catholic Health Network in Uganda
This article documents the experiences of the Catholic health network in Uganda and its umbrella organization, the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB) in making health services work for poor people. It demonstrates how the pro-poor ethos-derived from a longstanding tradition and the mission of “healing by treating and preventing diseases, with a preferential option for the less privileged”-supported by “soft” regulation and technical assistance from the umbrella organization can induce a process of change in a network of providers. [author’s description]
- 5164 reads