Resource Spotlight: Planning the Development of Human Resources for Health for Implementation of the Stop TB Strategy

This handbook is intended to give guidance to those responsible for developing country-specific strategic plans and annual implementation plans for human resource development (HRD) for comprehensive TB control. It provides background information on the current workforce situation in the health sector and summarizes the issues and challenges.
The handbook introduces the HRH Action Framework and the Stop TB Strategy and applies the Framework to HRD for comprehensive TB control. It also describes how to prepare a strategic plan for HRD in support of comprehensive TB control and gives a step-by-step guide on how to develop HRD plans based on the structures and processes described. It includes a template for developing a strategic plan and an annual implementation plan, with examples of actions that need to be taken to develop each section of the respective plan. This document is a practical guide for those involved in HRD as it relates to control of TB. [adapted from introduction]
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The HRH Global Resource Center has other resources on this topic including:
- Human Resources Development for TB Control
- African Checklist for Review of the Human Resource Development Component of National Plans to Control Tuberculosis
- Performance-Based Incentives for Health: a Way to Improve Tuberculosis Detection and Treatment Completion?
For additional resources on this topic, visit the Tuberculosis and HRH Strategic Plans subject categoies.
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