Resource Spotlight: Scaling Up Proven Public Health Interventions through a Locally Owned and Sustained Leadership Development Program in Rural Upper Egypt

For ministries of health around the globe, well led and managed health programs are crucial for producing health improvements that can be maintained. In Aswan Governorate in Egypt, a locally led and sustained leadership development program (LDP) has empowered health workers in more than 180 primary health care facilities to contribute to improvements in health. Participants learned essential leading and managing practices: how to scan their environment and focus on a priority challenge; align and mobilize their teams and their stakeholders; and inspire each other. They learned to manage their resources—to plan, organize and implement activities—and to monitor and evaluate their results. The participants in this program did what many others have been unable to do: when external support ended, they took a successful program and expanded it. [adapted from author]
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The HRH Global Resource Center has other resources on this topic including:
- Experience of Virtual Leadership Development for Human Resource Managers
- Role of Leadership in HRH Development in Challenging Public Health Settings
- Human Resource Leadership: the Key to Improved Results in Health
For additional resources on this topic, visit the Leadership subject categoy.
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