Resource Spotlight: Uganda Health Workforce Study: Satisfaction and Intent to Stay Among Health Workers in Public and PNFP Facilities

Satisfaction by age and organization
Satisfaction by age and organization

This presentation was given at the First Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala. It describes a study to identify the level of satisfaction among current health workers in public and PNFP sectors, determine health workers’ intent to stay in the Ugandan health sector and to collaborate with the Ugandan Ministry of Health and other stakeholders to develop strategies to improve retention of health workers. The identified factors associated with health worker satisfaction, turnover and out-migration will be used to develop strategies and policies to improve health worker satisfaction and retention.

Adapted from author.

The presentation includes information on health worker age group and years spent in the workforce by facility type; job satisfaction results by cadre, age and organization; abuse in the workplace; access to drugs, supplies and equipment by organization; health worker attitudes on compensation and job security; and intent to leave by cadre.

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