Ethical Planning
Merchants of Medical Care: Recruiting Agencies in the Global Health Care Chain
Shortages of skilled health workers occur in most countries in the world, and most significantly in countries where education levels are relatively high. Migration has tended to be at some cost to relatively poor countries where the costs of production are considerable and losses are not compensated. The costs of global mobility are thus unevenly borne by the poorer source countries and the benefits are concentrated in the recipient countries. Since migration cannot be ended, and source countries have only limited scope for substantial policy change that will improve the number and status of health workers in the home countries, the onus has increasingly shifted towards the role of recipient countries in ensuring that, if migration is to continue, then it be more equitable and that there be adequate compensation for losses incurred in source countries.
- 4194 reads
Commonwealth Code of Practice for the International Recruitment of Health Workers
The Code develops a consensus approach to dealing with the problem of international recruitment of health workers, while remaining sensitive to the needs of recipient countries and the migratory rights of individual health professionals. The Code covers issues of transparency, fairness, mutuality of benefits, compensation/reparation/restitution, selection procedures, and registration. [Description from author]
- 6370 reads
Developing Evidence-Based Ethical Policies on the Migration of Health Workers: Conceptual and Practical Challenges
The aim of this paper is to examine some key issues related to the international migration of health workers in order to better understand its impact and to find entry points to developing policy options with which migration can be managed. [from abstract]
- 2622 reads
Whose Charity? Africa's Aid to the NHS
Health services in the UK are benefiting from the collapse of health services in some of the poorest countries of the world due to the widespread and increasing migration of health professionals. Children in these countries are unable to obtain the most basic health services and many die as a consequence. Research summarised in this briefing reveals that current UK policy in this area is ineffective in tackling this inequality. Using Ghana as a case study, it sets out a range of practical suggestions for how the UK Government should respond. [From author]
- 2453 reads
Ethical International Recruitment of Health Professionals: Will Codes of Practice Protect Developing Country Health Systems?
Many countries are using the strategy of international recruitment to make up for shortages of health professionals. This is often to the detriment of health systems in the poorest parts of the world. Codes of practice on ethical international recruitment or similar instruments are beginning to be introduced at both national and international levels to protect the health systems of vulnerable countries. This study was designed to review the potential impact of existing instruments. [from executive summary]
- 3738 reads
Code of Practice for the International Recruitment of Healthcare Professionals
The aim of the code of practice is to promote high standards of practice in the international recruitment and employment of healthcare professionals. [author’s description]
- 3692 reads
International Recruitment of Health Workers to the UK: A Report for DFID: Final Report
Whilst the issue of international migration of health workers is sometimes presented as a one-way linear ‘brain drain,’ the dynamics of international mobility, migration and recruitment of health workers are complex.
- 4496 reads
Ethical Issues in Health Workforce Development
Increasing the numbers of health workers and improving their skills requires that countries confront a number of ethical dilemmas. The ethical considerations in answering five important questions on enabling health workers to deal appropriately with the circumstances in which they must work are described.
- 8558 reads
HIV/AIDS, Equity and Health Sector Personnel in Southern Africa
This paper discusses the implications for health personnel of the HIV epidemic, and health sector responses to it, in southern Africa, using Malawi as a case study. Published and grey literature has been consulted to assess the situation and its implications for equity. [author’s description]
- 7633 reads