Resource Spotlight: Challenges Facing the Tanzanian Health Workforce in the Era of HIV/AIDS

The need for documenting how the AIDS epidemic is affecting the health care personnel has long been recognized. The effects on human resources are believed to include: attrition due to illness and death; absenteeism; low morale; increased demand for provider time and skills due to increasing case loads of HIV/AIDS patients; diversion of resources from care of other illnesses; and budgetary and managerial inadequacies.
In the specific case of Tanzania which already has a Health Sector HIV/AIDS Strategy it is imperative to have information on how the health system and the health personnel who are expected to spearhead the implementation of that strategy are being affected. This can guide preventive and remedial measures to ensure that the capacity of the system and its personnel for the effective implementation of the strategy is not unduly compromised. [adapted from author]
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The HRH Global Resource Center has other resources on this topic including:
- Guidelines for Occupational Safety and Health, Including HIV in the Health Services Sector
- Caring for Healthcare Workers: a Global Perspective
- Needlestick Injuries in an Era of HIV: Technical and Personal Aspects
For additional resources on this topic, visit the Infection Prevention subject category.
Past Resource Spotlights
- From Staff Mix to Skill Mix and Beyond: Towards a Systemic Approach to Health Workforce Management
- What Countries Can Do Now: Twenty-Nine Actions to Scale-Up and Improve the Health Workforce
- Scaling Up Proven Public Health Interventions through a Locally Owned and Sustained Leadership Development Program in Rural Upper Egypt
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