Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study Investigating the Career Choices of School Leavers in Relation to Nursing and What Influences Those Choices




Mkhize S, Nzimande S


Health Systems Trust

Series/Journal Title:

Career Choices in Relation to Nursing




The nurse is the single most important frontline health worker. Without nurses the clinics, community health centres and hospitals cannot function. It is therefore critical that nurse education and the supply of nurses form an integral part of transformation of health services in South Africa. According to the Department of Health there is a need to significantly increase the production of all categories of nurses in order to fulfil the requirements of South Africa. Attracting new recruits to the profession is an integral part of increasing production. It is for this reason that a study was undertaken to assess the attitudes of school leavers towards taking up nursing as a profession, and the reasons for these attitudes. [introduction]


Geographic Focus

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