Using Workshops to Develop Theories of Change in Give Low and Middle Income Countries: Lessons from the Programme for Improving Mental Health Care (PRIME)
Theory of Change (ToC) approach workshops are a useful approach for developing ToCs as a basis for mental health care plans because they facilitate logical, evidence based and contextualised plans, while promoting stakeholder buy in.
Because of the existing hierarchies within some health systems, strategies such as limiting the types of participants
and stratifying the workshops can be used to ensure productive workshops.
- 634 reads
Key Aspects of Health Policy Development to Improve Surgical Services in Uganda
Uganda, like other low-income sub-Saharan African countries, bears a heavy burden of surgical conditions with low surgical output in health facilities and significant unmet need for surgical care. To address this lack of adequate surgical services in Uganda, a diverse group of local stakeholders met in Kampala, Uganda, in May 2008 to develop a roadmap of key policy actions that would improve surgical services at the national level.This article is a critical discussion of these health policy priorities with references to recent literature. [adapted from abstract]
- 673 reads
'My Dreams Are Shuttered Down And It Hurts Lots’ – A Qualitative Study of Palliative Care Needs and Their Management by HIV Outpatient Services in Kenya and Uganda
Despite the huge burden of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, there is little evidence of the multidimensional needs of patients with HIV infection to inform the person-centred care across physical, psychological, social and spiritual domains stipulated in policy guidance. We aimed to describe the problems experienced by people with HIV in Kenya and Uganda and the management of these problems by HIV outpatient services. [from abstract]
- 582 reads
Sharing Tasks Among Health Care Workers in Uganda to Integrate Rapid Syphilis Testing in PMTCT Services
This article outlines a study to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and cost-effectiveness of introducing rapid syphilis tests for same-day testing and treatment of syphilis at established prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) sites in Uganda. [from author]
- 669 reads
Ugandan Medical and Health Sciences Interns' Infection Control Knowledge and Practices
This study aimed to highlight the shortcomings in knowledge, attitudes, and practices about infection control of recent graduates of clinical health sciences who started their one-year internship in Uganda so as to recommend areas in which infection control training could be improved. [adapted from author]
- 813 reads
Cost-Effectiveness of Facility and Home Based HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing Strategies in Rural Uganda
This article evaluates the cost effectiveness of facility-and home-based voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) utilizing community health workers with the primary outcome measure of extra cost per HIV sero-positive case identified to help for health service managers at primary care level in making decisions on suitable alternatives for VCT provision in rural communities in Uganda based on operational efficiency. [adapted from author]
- 736 reads
Client-Provider Interactions in Provider-Initiated and Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing Services in Uganda
This study attempts to evaluate if the provider-client experiences, perceptions and client satisfaction with the information provided differs between provider-initiated HIV testing and counselling, which is based on information-giving - and voluntary counselling and testing, which includes individualized client-centered counseling. [adapted from abstract]
- 585 reads
Human Resources for Health in Uganda: Dispatches from the Field
This 54 minute video shares a presentation from Uganda’s Dr. Edward Mukooza. Drawing on his first-hand experience of serving as principal of the International Christian Medical Institute and of training and mentoring hundreds of health workers currently working at all levels of Uganda’s health system, Dr. Mukooza addresses the current status of human resources for health in Uganda. [adapted from publisher
- 1215 reads
Introduction of Newborn Care within Integrated Community Case Management in Uganda
This article assessed how a program for integrated community case management (iCCM) for children under 5 years addresses newborn care in three mid-western districts through document reviews, structured interviews, and focus group discussions with village health team members trained in iCCM, caregivers, and other stakeholders. [adapted from abstract]
- 740 reads
Increased Use of Community Medicine Distributors and Rational Use of Drugs in Children Less than Five Years of Age in Uganda Caused by Integrated Community Case Management of Fever
This study compared effectiveness and use of community medicine distributors and drug use under integrated community case management and home-based management strategies in children 6–59 months of age in eastern Uganda. [adapted from abstract]
- 795 reads
Use of Community Health Workers for Management of Malaria and Pneumonia in Urban and Rural Areas in Eastern Uganda
This study assessed the potential differences between urban and rural areas in the implementation of community case management is implemented for malaria and pneumonia and how community health workers are being used alongside other partners in health care provision. [adapted from introduction]
- 817 reads
That's Improvement: Uganda Focuses on Health Workers
In this short video, Ugandan health workers, managers, and leaders show how the country’s efforts to strengthen its health workforce and increase access to quality care are paying off—and how service delivery has improved. [adapted from publisher]
- 1087 reads
Assessing the Implementation of Performance Management of Health Care Workers in Uganda
This study examined the implementation of performance management of health care workers in order to propose strategies for improvement. [from abstract]
- 829 reads
Use of Surgical Task Shifting to Scale Up Essential Surgical Services: A Feasibility Analysis at Facility Level in Uganda
This study set out to assess the views of clinicians and managers on the use of task shifting as an effective way of alleviating shortages of skilled personnel at a facility level. [from abstract]
- 668 reads
Quality of Intrapartum Care at Mulago National Referral Hospital, Uganda: Clients' Perspective
The study contributes to quality improvement programs responsible for accelerating reduction of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in Uganda. It documents and informs clinicians, hospital managers, and policy makers about quality of care aspects that need to be improved in promoting newborns and maternal survival and well being during labor to promote women’s utilization of skilled attendance at birth. [from author]
- 893 reads
Noninferiority of a Task-Shifting HIV Care and Treatment Model Using Peer Counselors and Nurses Among Ugandan Women Initiated on ART: Evidence From a Randomized Trial
The objective of this study was to assess the non-inferiority of a task-shifting HIV treatment model relying on peer counselors and nurses compared with a physician-centered model among HIV-1-positive women initiated on antiretroviral therapy (ART) at a prevention of mother-to-child transmission clinic in Mulago Hospital, Uganda. [from abstract]
- 647 reads
Challenges Faced by Health Workers in Providing Counselling Services to HIV-Positive Children in Uganda: A Descriptive Study
A descriptive study was conducted to explore the challenges health workers face in providing HIV counselling and testing services to children in Uganda. [adapted from abstract]
- 1560 reads
Occupational Exposure to HIV: A Conflict Situation for Health Workers
This study aimed to determine the frequency of occupational exposure to HIV, the circumstances and predisposing factors, the high-risk groups, the extent to which exposures are reported and the post-exposure prophylaxis utilized by health-care workers and students in a Ugandan hospital. [from abstract]
- 648 reads
Organization and Implementation of Community-Based Education Programs for Health Worker Training Institutions in Uganda
This study was undertaken to assess the scope and nature of community-based education for various health worker cadres in Uganda. [from abstract]
- 598 reads
Compliance with Focused Antenatal Care Services: Do Health Workers in Rural Burkina Faso, Uganda and Tanzania Perform All ANC Procedures?
This study aimed to assess health workers’ compliance with the procedures set in the focused antenatal care guidelines in rural Uganda, Tanzania and Burkina Faso; to compare the compliance within and among the three study sites; and to appraise the logistic and supply of the respective health facilities. [from abstract]
- 1158 reads
Accreditation in a Sub Saharan Medical School: A Case Study at Makerere University
This analysis paper highlights the process of standard defining for Medical Education in a typically low resourced sub Saharan medial school environment. [from abstract]
- 683 reads
Poor Retention Does Not Have to be the Rule: Retention of Volunteer Community Health Workers in Uganda
Since 2004, Healthy Child Uganda (HCU) has trained volunteer community health workers in child health promotion in rural southwest Uganda. This study analyses the retention and motivation of volunteer community health workers trained by HCU. It presents retention rates over a 5-year period and provides insight into volunteer motivation. [from abstract]
- 699 reads
Creating an Enabling Environment for Human Resources for Health Program Implementation in Three African Countries
Despite advances, insufficient progress has been made in implementing HRH interventions to improve access to qualified health workers. This qualitative study was conducted to determine the factors that define the enabling environment for successful implementation of HRH interventions in three countries: Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. [from publisher]
- 1135 reads
Implementation and Scale-Up of Psycho-Trauma Centers in a Post-Conflict Area: A Case Study of a Private–Public Partnership in Northern Uganda
This article describes a public-private partnership (PPP) between the Peter C. Alderman Foundation and Ugandan government institutions that demonstrated the feasibility of delivering low cost, evidence-based mental health care to massively traumatized populations in northern Uganda through PPPs. [adapted from author]
- 700 reads
Aspirations for Quality Health Care in Uganda: How Do We Get There?
The authors undertook a qualitative study, along with a large census and health-provider survey in to understand priorities for quality in health care from the perspectives of health workers and community members in Tororo District, Uganda and factors potentially amenable to change that could enable these qualities to be enacted to increase equitable access to quality health care for the local population. [adapted from author]
- 668 reads
Private and Public Health Care in Rural Uganda
The objective of this study was to determine the type and number of different types of health care providers, and the quality, cost and utilization of care delivered by those providers in rural Uganda. [from abstract]
- 692 reads
Human Resources for Health Professional Development at the District Level: Recommendations Based on the Ugandan Experience
This report shares lessons learned from Uganda and, using this experience as a foundation, offers selected suggestions for how other countries might develop and implement HRH professional development programs at subnational levels. [from publisher]
- 719 reads
Strengthening Health Workforce Capacity through Work-Based Training
This article outlines the development and use of an eight-month modular, in-service work-based training program in Uganda aimed at strengthening the capacity for monitoring and evaluation and continuous quality improvement in health service delivery. [adapted from abstract]
- 912 reads
Our Side of the Story: A Policy Report on the Lived Experience and Opinions of Ugandan Health Workers
This research set out to explore with frontline health workers and their managers how working conditions affect attitudes, behaviour and practices. It also sought the positive side of the health worker experience. The report documents the experiences and views of 122 nursing health workers in all regions of Uganda covering government, not-for-profit and private ownership organisations. [adapted from author]
- 960 reads
Private Sector Drug Shops in Integrated Community Case Management of Malaria, Pneumonia, and Diarrhea in Children in Uganda
This study sought to determine appropriateness of treatment of common childhood illnesses at private sector drug shops in two rural districts of Uganda. [adapted from abstract]
- 718 reads