Findings of the Egyptian Health Care Provider Survey




Nandakumar AK, Berman P, Fleming E


Partners for Health Reform




This report presents results from the Egypt Health Care Providers Surveys, the objectives of which were to: provide a comprehensive picture of all sources of health care services; provide policy relevant data on critical issues for health sector reform; and create a database on health care providers for use by the Ministry of Health and Population in developing policy reform proposals. Five separate surveys were conducted on health care institutions, private clinics, pharmacies, dayas (traditional birth attendants), and other practitioners. The sample of 10,048 providers was developed from a complete enumeration of all health care providers in sampling areas and data from the 1986 national census. Key findings included that more than four-fifths of privately practicing physicians also have a public sector job; widespread use of part-time staffing in health facilities supports the multiple jobholding pattern. Multiple employment also is common among dentists, not so among pharmacists. The surveys also measured factors such as patient volume among the different types of providers and facilities, and solicited objective and subjective reports on issues that have implications for quality of care: patient volume, drug availability and job training and satisfaction. [abstract]


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