Upcoming HR-HR Expert Meeting


"HR-HR" Human Resources for Health Research: an African Perspective

The HR-HR Africa process aims to provide an action-oriented and holistic look at human resources needs in a health research context. The HR-HR expert meeting (Nairobi, July 2-5, 2006) will consider important facets of human resources that are generally not considered. Four multi-country teams will generate new thinking around four core themes:

  • general human resources issues: the general human resources environment in Africa;
  • communities influencing research agendas: how communities can influence health research agendas at local and at national levels to focus on health priorities;
  • the power of networks: how networking can strengthen health research; and
  • communication and knowledge sharing for impact: skills needed in health research systems and organizations to optimize the use of research communication and knowledge sharing…

The meeting is expected to generate new thinking, plans for future work, and programmes and initiatives on the thematic areas. New alliances and professional communities are expected to result from these rich exchanges.

Excerpt from the Council on Health Research for Development website

Read the executive summary of the program: "HR-HR" Human Resources for Health Research: an African Perspective on the Conference Website

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