37th International Conference on Global Health: Global Health Goals and Metrics


On June 14, more than 2,500 practitioners, global health and world leaders, activists, multi-lateral organizations, the public and private sectors, members of academia, and researchers will descend upon Washington, D.C. to discuss global health's goals and metrics at the Global Health Council's 37th Annual International Conference. Some of the questions the conference will address are:

  • How do the global goals help or hinder the achievement of providing and accessing essential health services for the world's poorest?
  • How are specific programs/partnerships contributing to the overarching goals? How are we measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of what we do? How do we share what works and what does not work in order to accelerate achievement of common goals?
  • Can goals be universally applied?
  • How can countries/governments be held accountable? How can all stakeholders/partners be held equally accountable for progress toward the goals?
  • How do we respond to challenges that impede progress toward goals, as well as to great performance?

From conference website.

For more information, please visit the conference website.

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