Training Materials
Social Behavior Change for Family Planning
Many maternal and child health programs want to add family planning (counseling, referrals or even services) into their programs. One way to get started is through social and behavior change. That means learning about the community’s family planning knowledge, attitudes and practices, and then creating strategies based on what is learned. Many health program and government staff would like to get the skills needed for this process—but time and resources are not available for a week(s) long training.This curriculum can share these useful skills without requiring a lot of time or resources.
- 496 reads
Basic E-learning Course on Human Rights and Health
Disseminate the links between health and human rights and explain the international human rights instruments that protect the right to health and other related human rights. [from materials]
- 500 reads
Gender and Health: Awareness, analysis and Action: A Virtual Course
The purpose of this course is to provide PAHO/WHO staff with basic skills on gender mainstreaming in health. The elearning builds familiarity with how gender operates as a determinant of health, guides guides participants through basic steps of applying gender responsive planning to their work, and introduces the basic skills to integrate gender concerns into public health practice.
- 602 reads
Health in All Policies: Training Manual
The purpose of this manual is to provide a resource for training to increase understanding of Health in All Policies (HiAP) by health and other professionals. It is anticipated that the material in this manual will form the basis of two- or three-day workshops, which will: Build capacity to promote, implement and evaluate HiAP; Encourage engagement and collaboration across sectors; Facilitate the exchange of experiences and lessons learned; Promote regional and global collaboration on HiAP; and Promote dissemination of skills to develop training courses for trainers. [from overview]
- 743 reads
Adolescents Living with HIV (ALHIV) Toolkit
The resources in this toolkit cover a broad range of topics pertinent to the treatment, care and support of ALHIV including: Training, Treatment Literacy & Adherence, Counseling & Disclosure, Life Skills, Prevention and Reproductive Health, Psychosocial Support, etc.
- 446 reads
Family Planning (Planin)
A 16-hour training providing information to Community Health Workers regarding defining family planning and describing various methods of family planning, explaining advantages of family planning at the individual, family, and community levels, identify cultural and social barriers to practicing family planning and counseling individuals and couples about the benefits of family planning and how to choose an appropriate method of family planning. [adapted from resource]
- 553 reads
Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Family Planning Curriculum: Module 11: MVA for the Treatment of Incomplete Abortion
This training manual prepares health workers to counsel women who come to a facility for treatment of an incomplete or septic abortion and to assess and manage the complications of incomplete and septic abortions. It includes information on preparation of MVA equipment, infection prevention procedures, processing MVA equipment for reuse, pain control, the MVA procedure, management of complications of the MVA procedure, and the introduction of comprehensive PAC services in a clinical setting.
- 602 reads
Private-Sector Participation in Preservice Health Education
Private health professional schools are expanding rapidly. With health training needs increasing and developing country budgets not keeping pace, private-sector schools will soon produce more health workers than public-sector institutions. This free eLearning course explores critical success factors in private-sector health education and training that are also relevant to public institutions. This course is targeted at learners who are directly engaged in private health learning institutions as well those who are charged with making health and education public policy.
- 734 reads
Child Status Index Training Manual
This manual provides guidance for community care workers and other wardens of orphans and other vulnerable children who intend to use the Child Status Index tool. [from abstract]
- 633 reads
Innovative Financing for Preservice Education of Health Professionals
In an environment of limited resources, educational institutions must be creative in finding financial resources. This free eLearning course provides an overview of creative financing mechanisms designed to help a health professional education institution reach its funding goals. Participants will learn how to select, prioritize, and implement new financing mechanisms. [from publisher]
- 481 reads
iHRIS Train: An Open Source Tool for Managing Health Worker Training
An overview of iHRIS Train, open source software for managing data on the education of health professionals. iHRIS Train is part of the iHRIS software for health workforce management. [from publisher]
- 568 reads
Gender and Health Systems Strengthening
By the end of the course, the learner will understand how health systems components interact with each other, how gender plays a role in each health systems component, and how to address these gender issues in health systems strengthening activities in order to improve health and social outcomes. [from introduction]
- 635 reads
A Pocket Guide to Thinking About Gender & Vaginal Microbicides in South Africa
This pocket card, created with input from the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) Men’s and Women’s Sectors, is designed to build support for a gender-integrated microbicides rollout among both community members and policy makers. [from introduction]
- 563 reads
Household Development Agent Training Curriculum
This comprehensive curriculum for Household Development Agents (specialized polyvalent community health workers (CHWs)), trained under a World Bank funded pilot, consists of 8 training units: Human Rights, Community Mobilization & Communication, Cholera, Family Planning, Diarrheal Disease, Vaccination, Reproductive Health, and Nutrition. These units contain standard and widely accepted information and protocols that have been adapted for the Haitian context.
- 583 reads
Private Sector Participation in Preservice Health Education
Building on the experience in several countries, this course draws on practices and analyses to provide participants with an understanding of factors bearing on the success of private sector health education and training.
- 619 reads
Innovative Financing for Preservice Education of Health Professionals
In this course, students will learn to identify traditional mechanisms commonly used for financing public and private pre-service health workforce education institutions, recognize non-traditional finance options and understand the process for selecting and prioritizing new training institution financing options. [adapted from introduction.]
- 400 reads
MSF Rural Human Resources for Health Scholarship Programme - Toolkit
The Scholarship Toolkit has been designed to facilitate setting up a programme for actors who find themselves facing critical staff shortages and who are interested in innovative HRH approaches and long–term solutions. A step-by-step description of the process as well as templates for key documents and other supporting materials are included. [adapted from introduction]
- 519 reads
HRH Training Module
This free training module is designed for people who wish to acquire introductory knowledge about HRH. It provides an overview of related topics that forms the larger context of HRH. It is also designed to serve as a refresher module to those who have more advanced knowledge in HRH.
- 1645 reads
Infection Prevention and Control: Training Curriculum for Healthcare Workers
Providing education and training to healthcare staff is an important strategy in implementing a tuberculosis infection prevention program. This manual and training curriculum provide information to begin improving infection prevention practices in health facilities and home based care. [adapted from publisher]
- 2345 reads
Training of Health Extension Workers on Family Folder and HMIS Procedures: Facilitators' Guide
This guidance document is for use principally by the district experts, heath extension supervisors and health extension workers all over the country as training on the health information systems requirements for local (community level) data collection, processing, analysis and dissemination, as well as linking to the national health management and information systems. [adapted from publisher]
- 746 reads
Health Management Information System: Facilitator's Guide for Training of Trainers
This manual is intended as a training of trainers manual for hospital management and case teams and for hospital staff on the use of health information management systems - both in terms of how to collect, aggregate and report data, but also to help staff understand the utility and benefits of the data they collect. [adapted from abstract]
- 1390 reads
Health Management Information System: Participants' Handouts and Instruments
The Health Management Information System (HMIS) in Ethiopia is designed to capture and provide essential core data for planning and monitoring the health system’s performance. This document provides handout materials and other instruments to be used in HMIS training for health providers. [abstract]
- 769 reads
Building Leadership For Data Demand and Use: A Facilitator's Guide
This program is designed as an organizational process that brings together teams to focus on and develop leadership and management practices, identify and face challenges that inhibit data use, and achieve measurable results in applying data demand and use technical skills in order to make well-informed, evidence-based policy and program decisions. This curriculum has been developed as a complete program that will allow facilitators and the faculty of institutions of higher education to deliver the course. [from author]
- 754 reads
Supervising Healthcare Services Learning Resource Package
This learning resource package for supervisors in medium-to-large facilities and for district-level supervisors is developed around aspects of performance improvement and quality of healthcare services, focusing on essential skills required to work with staff and members of the community in establishing standards and problem solving. [from publisher]
- 869 reads
Training Skills for Health Care Providers
This learning resource package is intended for use in a course to prepare proficient service providers to be competent clinical trainers who are qualified to conduct competency-based clinical skills courses. [from publisher]
- 1130 reads
Simulation Training for Educators of Health Care Workers
This learning resource package is a competency-based learning tool that addresses management and implementation of simulated environments for students in health-related training institutions that prepare health care providers. [adapted from author]
- 786 reads
Effective Teaching Skills: A Blended Learning Approach Learning Resource Package
This learning resource package is intended to help educators of healthcare providers become more effective teachers. The course combines completion of ModCAL for Training Skills, plus group-based practice and feedback. Additionally, programs not using ModCAL may provide a 10-day group-based course that includes knowledge transfer, small group work, practice and feedback. [from publisher]
- 809 reads
Training Module on Development of Health Workforce Strategic Plans
This guide is to help the facilitators and trainers in
organizing training in their countries to create health workforce strategic plans. The training is based on the World Health Organization’s Regional Guidelines for the Development of the
Health Workforce Strategic Plan in countries of the South-East Asia Region. [adapted from author]
- 1161 reads
Designing Evidence-Based Incentives to Attract and Retain Health Workers Using the Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit
This free online course, developed by the HRH Global Resource Center and CapacityPlus, is based on the Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit. This course will orient participants on how to use a rapid discrete choice experiment methodology to design evidence-based incentives to attract and retain health workers in rural and remote areas. [from publisher]
- 836 reads
Community Discussion Guide for Maternal and Newborn Health Care: A Training Manual for Safe Motherhood Action Groups
This guide contains detailed guidance on how to train safe motherhood action group volunteers in two key areas of their portfolio – maternal and newborn health care.
- 1880 reads